PNG National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework 2017- 2030


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PNG National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework 2017- 2030

January 11, 2019

Papua New Guinea has taken another significant step towards establishing a National Disaster Risk Framework 2017 - 2030. 

Approved by the National Executive Council the new PNG National Disaster Risk Management Framework 2017-2030, is led by the National Disaster Centre (NDC) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Framework will ensure PNG can successfully address immediate and longer-term disaster risk management challenges faced by communities and the country as a whole.

The framework will be communicated downstream to various stakeholders, partners and provincial, district and local level governments. It is in line with the global Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and is expected to help prioritise risk reduction measures for government and other stakeholders to focus on until 2030.

This initiative is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade under the Strengthening Disaster Risk management in PNG project. UNDP is one of several UN agencies that are working on projects to improve PNG's disaster risk management capacities.