Strategy Note | UNDP's Private Sector and Foundations Strategy for the Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2020


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Strategy Note | UNDP's Private Sector and Foundations Strategy for the Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2020

August 20, 2016

UNDP’s Private Sector and Foundations Strategy for the Sustainable Development Goals 2016–2020 defines how UNDP plans to engage with – and work on – sustainable development issues with the private sector and philanthropic foundations. The goal is to enable these actors to become transformative partners in implementing all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to achieve UNDP’s vision of poverty eradication and a reduction in inequalities. The strategy aims to position UNDP as a partner of choice for the private sector and foundations in SDG implementation, while maximizing the impact of the private sector and philanthropy on sustainable development.

The target audience for this strategy includes our partners in the private sector and philanthropy as well as UNDP Headquarters units, regional bureaux, regional hubs and country offices that work with the private sector and foundations on development issues. It explains UNDP’s programmatic approach in working directly with the private sector and foundations as well as with other partners involved in development. By engaging the private sector and foundations through this strategy, UNDP can support governments to establish an enabling environment for aligning these stakeholders’ core operations with the SDGs. This strategy is complementary to UNDP’s Green Commodities and Trade Guidance Note, UNDP Guidance Note on Jobs and Livelihoods, UNDP’s Strategy for Supporting Sustainable and Equitable Management of the Extractive Sector for Human Development, International Financial Institutions Partnership Strategy 2016-2020, the Recovery Strategy, UNDP support to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Policy and Programme brief and the Mainstreaming, Acceleration, Policy Support Approach (MAPS) enabling responsive, coherent and inclusive support to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.