Sustainable Development in Practice

A Tour of the New Draft Guide: ‘Integrating Environment, Climate and Poverty Reduction’

September 8, 2022
Event Details

14 September 2022

13:00-14:00 East African Time (UTC+03:00)


UNDP and UNEP jointly launched a new publiction, the Sustainable Development in Practice: A Guide to Integrating Environment, Climate, and Poverty Reduction, the 3rd edition of the Poverty-Environment Initiative/Action Handbook, on the 14th of September 2022 in a global webinar, which was open to all Poverty-Environment practitioners.

This ‘living edition’ of the Handbook shows why and how to achieve the ‘integrated approach’ to environment and poverty issues that has been called for in practically every international agreement on sustainable development and environment. The Handbook offers readers:

  • Improved understanding of the links between the poverty, environment and climate challenges that influence achievement of today’s holistic goals such as the SDGs or inclusive green economy;
  • Learning from Poverty-Environment Action’s ‘programmatic approach’ to tackling these challenges in four continents over 16 years, plus complementary lessons from other initiatives;
  • A practical framework for applying the various activities that make up an integrated approach, based around a typical policy/decision-making cycle;
  • Thereby helping readers to develop best-bet strategies for achieving integrated results more effectively, efficiently, equitably, and at scale;

Sustainable Development in Practice was presented by Steve Bass, Senior associate, International Institute for Environment and Development.

Please find more infiramtion on the meeting here