The first UN programming handbook on Youth, Peace and Security

UNDP_AO_UN Programming Handbook (UNDP DPPA PBSO UNFPA) on Youth Peace Security - 2021.pdf

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The first UN programming handbook on Youth, Peace and Security

9 de February de 2021

The UNDP has the pleasure to share a new publication – the first UN programming handbook on Youth, Peace and Security. This Handbook aims at supporting the accelerated implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda, and youth-sensitive and youth-inclusive peacebuilding, more broadly. It is mostly meant to support United Nations practitioners, and it should also be helpful to other experts, decision-makers, colleagues and partners contributing to field programming and willing to meaningfully invest in young people to sustain peace. The publication provides useful step-by-step guidance for youth-sensitive and youth-inclusive peace and security programming, throughout the programming cycle: conflict analysis, theories of change, outcomes and indicators, M&E. It also provides a detailed list of policy and programme support entry points, relevant to the five pillars of UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on youth, peace and security (Participation, Protection, Prevention, Disengagement and Reintegration and Partnerships) and with concrete examples. The Handbook is a joint product of the UN system, co-steered by UNDP, UNFPA, PBSO/DPPA and the Folke Bernadotte Academy (Sweden). It has tremendously benefitted from valuable inputs from members of the Global Coalition on Youth, Peace and Security, as well as a dedicated UN inter-agency Task Force and formal peer reviewers.