Study on Deconcentration and Decentralization
Study on Deconcentration and Decentralization
27 de November de 2013
The study aims at an institutional diagnosis of the Local Administration, from 1975 to 2002. Thus, it intends the identification of organizational dysfunctions emerging from the model of administrative deconcentration introducing corrective measures that allows adjusting the legal model to the objectives, resources and environment in which the local structures operate.
It is also the aim to design a model for the elected sub-national government in Angola, particularly in relation to the administrative functions, the functional relations between the different tiers of local administration, local partnerships, as well as the organizational resources (human, financial and propriety) that must sustain the exercise of their respective functions. Within this context, the fiscal decentralization, while a determinant component of decentralization, will warrant a circumstantial analysis.