Response to HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis in Angola benefits from the Global Fund GC7 grant for the period 2024 to 2027

16 de May de 2024

Signing Ceremony of the Declaration of Commitment of the Parties regarding the GC7 Global Fund Subsidy for the period 2024-2027

UNDP Angola | May 14th | 2024

Luanda, May 14, 2024 - The Ministry of Health (MINSA), the Global Fund (GF), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Angola and the Global Fund National Grant Coordination Mechanism (MCN) , signed a Declaration of Commitment of the Parties regarding the GC7 Global Fund Subsidy for the period 2024-2027, in the amount of 126 million US dollars, to support the Angolan Government's efforts to combat HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis and implementation of a resilient and sustainable health system, leaving no one behind.

This Declaration of Commitment of the Parties was signed by the Minister of Health, Her Excellency Dr. Silvia Lutucuta, by the Head of Department of the Global Fund for Africa and the Middle East, Dr. Caty Fall, by the Resident Representative of UNDP Angola, Dr. Denise António and by the President of the National Coordination Mechanism for Global Fund Grants (MCN), Dr. Ana Ruth, in the presence of Members of the Angolan Executive, with emphasis on the Governors of the Provinces of Kwanza Sul, Dr.Job Capapinha and Bié, Dr. Pereira Alfredo, the Vice-Governor of the province of Benguela for the Political, Social and Economic sector Dr. Lídia Amaro, the UN Resident Coordinator in Angola, Dr. Zahira Virani, the Members of the MCN, Civil Society, the Private Sector, Development Partners, United Nations Agencies in Angola, among others.

Signatures of the Minister of Health, Her Excellency Dr. Silvia Lutucuta, of the Head of Department of the Global Fund for Africa and the Middle East, Dr. Caty Fall.

UNDP Angola | May 14th | 2024

Signatures of the Resident Representative of UNDP Angola, Dr. Denise António and the President of the National Coordination Mechanism for Global Fund Grants

UNDP Angola | May 14th | 2024

Signatures of the Resident Representative of UNDP Angola, Dr. Denise António and the President of the National Coordination Mechanism for Global Fund Grants

UNDP Angola | May 14th | 2024

''This ceremony is the culmination of an extensive and complex process, challenging and motivating due to its final objective, which is to effectively contribute to the reduction of Malaria, HIV and Tuberculosis and effectively contribute to the reduction and consequent elimination of Malaria, HIV and tuberculosis, as well as strengthening a sustainable and resilient health system", said the President of the National Global Fund Grants Coordination Mechanism (MCN), Dr. Ana Ruth.

"It is with a great sense of responsibility and honor that I stand here today, as the main recipient for this new grant called GC7. The Global Fund, as we all know, is not just about financing. It is, first and foremost, about reducing the number of cases of HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria among Angolan children, women, and men, including key populations. In this effort, we still have our share of work ahead of us," stated the Resident Representative of UNDP Angola, Dr. Denise António, on the occasion of the Signing of the Declaration of Commitment of the Parties regarding the implementation of the GC7 intervention, for the period 2024 – 2027.

"We will continue to monitor, because we know that when these projects are not fulfilled the percentage of unfulfilled responsibilities is exactly the percentage of the cut made, and that is not what we want", he said the Head of Department of the Global Fund for Africa and the Middle East, Dr. Caty Fall.

"With the signing of this document, which we will witness with all the joy, it also marks the beginning of the concession to strengthen the response to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the provinces of Benguela, Kwanza Sul and Bié, in July 2024," said the Minister of Health, Her Excellency Dr. Sílvia Lutucuta, at the Signing Ceremony of the Declaration of Commitment of the Parties regarding the implementation of the GC7 Global Fund Subsidy.

It should be noted that this allocation is intended to support the Angolan Government's efforts to curb the consequences of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis in Angola, through the injection of 126 million US dollars, which will be managed by UNDP Angola, as main recipient in implementation, together with its Government and civil society partners, from July 2024 to June 2027, under the leadership of the Ministry of Health.

It is reiterated that the UNDP has been the Main Recipient of Global Fund financing in 45 countries since 2003. And in Angola, it is a key partner of the Ministry of Health through the National Institute for the Fight against HIV/AIDS (INLS), in implementing the grant to support the fight against Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV.

About the Fund:

Angola received a total allocation of US$126 million for the Grant Cycle (GC7), an increase of approximately 52% of the current Grant Cycle (GC6) allocation (US$83 million). Through C19RM, the country received additional financing of approximately 26 million dollars, integrating the Provinces of Benguela and Cuanza Sul, this financing will include the Province of Bié, making it three provinces.

Following the organization of an inclusive and participatory National Dialogue in 2023, the Angola National Coordination Mechanism (MCN) developed a strategically focused and technically sound financing mechanism that was submitted to the Global Fund in August 2023. Following the successful review by the Technical Analysis Panel the process for granting grants began. The implementation agreements remain the same as GC6 with the addition of the Bié Provincial Health Office.