Annual Status Report 2023: Global Project for Managing Development Cooperation Effectively


Annual Status Report 2023: Global Project for Managing Development Cooperation Effectively

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Annual Status Report 2023: Global Project for Managing Development Cooperation Effectively

September 17, 2024

Widespread crisis, political upheavals, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate-related disasters coupled with debt distress and shrinking development resources point to the need for more effective partnerships that are country-owned and inclusive, and development cooperation to be nimble and responsive. We need to be able to adapt effective development approaches at country level to swiftly changing global situations, and as such, the principles for effective development cooperation - country ownership, focus on results, inclusive partnerships, transparency and mutual accountability - remain critical.

It is in this context that the UNDP carried out its work on the Global Project on Managing Development Cooperation Effectively in 2023, delivering on three strategic components in line with the Global Partnership’s 2023-2026 Work Programme. This 2023 Annual Status Report provides an overview of the key results achieved by the UNDP Global Project over the past year in the areas of monitoringpolicy action, and advocacy

Document Type
Sustainable Development Goals