Participatory Planning and Paying for Local Action Plans to Address Gender-Based Violence: Lessons from Indonesia, Peru and the Republic of Moldova

Participatory Planning and Paying for Local Action Plans to Address Gender-Based Violence: Lessons from Indonesia, Peru and the Republic of Moldova
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December 8, 2022
This report outlines results from the UNDP global project on Ending Gender-based Violence (GBV) and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which has tested new approaches for preventing and responding to this violence in seven countries. In particular, this report looks at the Planning and Paying to End GBV approach and details its outcomes, including its impact on women’s empowerment and catalyzing multi-sectoral action. It also shares lessons learned and provides evidence-informed recommendations for policy makers and practitioners. With funding from the Republic of Korea and in partnership with United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, initiatives in Indonesia, Peru and the Republic of Moldova tested this approach focused on enabling communities to define their own solutions and establish sustainable financing for local action plans to end GBV.