Sound Chemicals and Waste Management for Sustainable Development




Sound Chemicals and Waste Management for Sustainable Development

April 24, 2019

This brochure highlights the results, lessons learned, and human impact from selected GEF-funded UNDP projects to implement the Stockholm Convention on POPs. These eight case studies are grouped under four categories:

(a) Healthcare Waste Management (Africa Regional, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan)

(b) Unintentional POPs (China, Indonesia)

(c) PCB Management (Colombia, Ecuador)

(d) Industrial POPs (China).

These projects are linked to SDG #3: good health and well-being; SDG #5: gender equality; SDG #8: decent work and economic growth; SDG #9: industry, innovation and infrastructure; and SDG #12: responsible consumption and production. They are also directly linked to UNDP Strategic Plan Output 1.3. “Solutions developed at national and sub-national levels for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem services, chemicals and wastes.” Stories highlight impact of these projects on livelihoods and protecting human health. A particular focus of this publication is on gender issues and equality as women strive to play a critical role in protecting the environment.