STOCKHOLM+50: A Global Synthesis Report of National Consultations

STOCKHOLM+50: A Global Synthesis Report of National Consultations

November 15, 2022

The Stockholm+50 national consultations engaged over 50,000 people across 56 countries through in-person, hybrid, and virtual events. This synthesis report analyses the insights and contributions that emerged from these mass consultations. Key findings, recommendations, data, media coverage, and links to national policy frameworks such as NDCs, NAPs, NBSAPS, green recovery, and sector strategies, are included. 

The report is both a comprehensive and insightful source of bold messages, new ideas and opportunities shared by countries and by people representing a diversity of stakeholders. The topics covered include increasing ambition and accelerated implementation of NDCs by all members states, promoting integrated Nature-based Solutions needed for a green recovery and accelerating SDG progress, and tackling pollution crisis. 

To explore all the data received from over 50 individual country reports visit the Stockholm+50 National Consultations Dashboard(link is external). This rich repository can be explored by region, topic, audience and more.