Youth Leadership Political Academy Graduation

January 21, 2022

In February 2010, the National Consultative Forum of Political Organizations launched a Pilot Youth Political Leadership Academy (YPLA) in Rwanda, and in March 2011, a sustainable YPLA model, covering Kigali and many other provinces of Rwanda, was established.

With the support of UNDP, under the Inclusive Participation in Governance Programme (IPG), four activists under the age of 35 from each of the 10 registered political parties in Rwanda are selected for the Academy, and attend three evening classes for a period of 10 weeks. The sessions are led by international and local political experts and academics covering topics such as: political party organizing and functioning; political communication; training skills; good governance;

political career paths; ethical leadership; negotiation and conflict prevention; and using technology for political organizing.

The trainings of the YPLA seek to prepare youth in political parties in Rwanda for leadership roles, and equip the participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to meaningfully participate in national governance and development.

In June 2011, 80 participants completed the courses and participated in the first official YPLA graduation ceremony supported by UNDP on January 19th 2012, where the successful graduates received certificates of completion.
It is estimated that 480 young participants will have benefited from these training programs by the end of 2013.