Policy Brief January 2023 Climate Risk Mapping And Mitigation Measures To Orient Private Sector Investment In Rwandan Agriculture.

Policy Brief January 2023 Climate Risk Mapping And Mitigation Measures To Orient Private Sector Investment In Rwandan Agriculture.
February 10, 2023
Climate change has a direct impact on the assets and resources needed to earn a living. The destruction of homes and infrastructure, degradation of ecological resources, loss of biodiversity and environmental damage severely harm livelihoods that are climate-sensitive, including agriculture and fishing (WSR, 2020). For instance, it is reported that more than 2 billion people are living in countries under water stress and 3.6 billion people face inadequate access to water at least one month per year. Meanwhile, water-related hazards have increased in frequency for the past 20 years. Since 2000, flood-related disasters have increased by 134%, and the number and duration of droughts also increased by 29%. Also, it is projected that climate change will push up to 130 million people into poverty over the next 10 years unravelling hard-won development gains and could cause over 200 million people to migrate within their own countries by 2050 (WMO,2021).