National Energy Efficiency Programme: Phase 2


What is the project about

This is the second phase of a capacity development programme for the King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology aimed at supporting the recently established Saudi Energy Efficiency Centre to achieve the Kingdom’s increasingly important goals for energy conservation. As Saudi Arabia continues to diversify its economy beyond oil exports, energy intensity of the economy has grown in key sectors like housing and buildings, consumer appliances, heavy industry, water and transport. With electricity in Saudi Arabia predominantly from oil-burning power facilities, and in order to conserve oil resources for the future generation, a key focus of the Government and industry leaders is to reduce the energy intensity growth through policy, management and technology measures

Project Outcomes

This project focuses on four major outcomes with the overall goal of capacity development for the new Saudi Energy Efficiency Centre:

1) Energy Efficiency Policy and Regulations: design of the first Energy Conservation Law and related actions plans and regulations at national and local levels to achieve targets;
2) Energy Information System: design and establishment of a new national energy information system as a base of data on energy supply and demand, forecasting and monitoring/evaluation of targets.
3) Capacity Development for Energy Efficiency Managers and Leaders: design and implementation of extensive training programmes for energy manager and leaders from public and private sectors focused on challenges and opportunities in key sectors like buildings, consumer appliances, heavy industry, transport, power supply and water;
4) Awareness Raising on Energy Conservation: design and implementation of nation-wide campaign on energy conservation aimed at enhancing energy consumption patterns and behavior for the public .
To achieve all of its objectives as originally intended, this Project will most likely be extended and funds added to ensure all outcomes are reached.

What we have accomplished so far

The highest impacts of NEEP could be summarized as follows:

1) Supporting efficiency improvement and loss reduction in generation (G), transmission (T) and distribution (D) of electric power.

2) Facilitating adoption and implementation of energy conservation measures in residential, commercial and industrial sectors through education, promotion, financing and standard settings.

3) Offset supply side investment (G/T/D) by reducing peak demand.

4) Reduction of system losses.

The achievements of NEEP were numerous and served the purpose of the project with tangible results for each objective. Six infographics were designed for the campaigns and 16 outreach exhibitions have been conducted.

Additionally, more than 300 applicants attended courses and workshops, which were are related to energy conservation in the industrial sector and ISO 50001 energy standard, to name a few.

A project management office has been established to support project managers in developing their project charters and project plans. Also, the project has updated the energy efficiency standard (EER) for air-conditioners. The Saudi government banned air- conditions that did not comply with the new specifications in 2014.

In 2015, the energy efficiency labels of washing machines, refrigerators and freezers were implemented.  The energy efficiency standard included the enforcement of the new standards for white goods that began in March 2015 for washing machines and May 2015 for refrigerators and freezers, which will reduce the electricity consumption by up to 40%.

Related Documents

Project Document.pdf

Project factsheet.pdf