Human Rights in UNDP - Practice Note

Human Rights in UNDP - Practice Note
January 21, 2014
This UNDP Practice Note addresses how UNDP implements its policy of integrating human rights into human development. It elaborates, on how this policy is to be implemented in the three strategic areas of intervention covering UNDPs work on human rights and human rights mainstreaming. These are:
(1) Supporting the strengthening of national human rights systems;
(2) Promoting the application of a human rights-based approach to development programming; and
(3) Greater engagement with the international human rights machinery
The Practice Note links the implementation of the policy to the framework definition of a human rights-based approach to programming as captured in the “UN Common Understanding on a Human Rights-based Approach”, and explores opportunities and possibilities that arise during the programming cycle. The Practice Note also stresses that human rights are the business of every staff member, and that partnerships with other actors, notably the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, must be a defining characteristic of UNDP support with respect to human rights.