Deadline extended for public call for financing projects of civil society organizations aimed at improving protection of women from violence committed with firearms

Public call for civil society organizations

May 20, 2024
Photo: Milena Andjela Misic Atanackovic/Journalists against Violence

Belgrade, 21 May 2024 – The deadline for submission of applications under the public call for financing projects of civil society organizations aimed at improving the protection of women from violence committed with firearms, has been extended to June 30, 2024. 

The call has been published with the support of the United Nations’ Western Balkans SALW Control Roadmap Multi – Partner Trust Fund, and refers to financing projects of civil society organizations and associations aimed at increasing safety and improving protection for women from violence committed with firearms. 

Civil society organizations can apply to the public call either independently or in partnership with project proposals that contribute to improving the safety of the community and society as a whole, by increasing the security and enhancing protection of women whose family members have access to firearms.

Projects are expected to involve, at least in part, cooperation with competent institutions and other stakeholders in the community who work in the field of protection against domestic violence.

The duration of the proposed projects must be no less than 5 months and no more than 12 months from the signing of the contract until 31 July 2025 at the latest.

The value of the individual project proposals, or the funds requested from UNDP, cannot exceed the total amount of USD 25,000.

Applications should be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: The deadline for submission is 30 June 2024.

Detailed information on the public call, activities that will be supported, as well as the documentation required for application (available in Serbian only) can be downloaded from the following links:


This public call is announced within the project „Reduce Risk – Increase Safety III“, implemented by UNDP to reduce the risk of firearms misuse for domestic violence and suicide and enhance community response to firearms - related crises and trauma. The project is implemented with the financial support provided by Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom and Norway, as well as the European Union, through the United Nations’ Western Balkans SALW Control Roadmap Multi – Partner Trust Fund.