Preliminary Priority List of Selecting Beneficiaries: Public Call for Support in Integration of Returnees

June 13, 2024
Photo: Momira Marković

Within the public call that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) issued with the support by the European Union (EU), for supporting the returnees (under the Readmission Agreement), Roma and members of vulnerable groups in starting their own or improving of the current business, in the second phase of the selection of beneficiaries, the total of 33 business plans has been received. 

After assigning points, the board for the selection of applications and business plans concluded that four business plans needed to be additionally worked on, so these candidates would receive additional support in the following period. The board assessed the total of 29 business plans to compile the Preliminary Priority List in selecting beneficiaries. 

You can see the complete Preliminary List here

Applicants may file written complaints concerning the Preliminary List, within 8 days from the publication of the Preliminary List. 

The complaint must contain: name, surname and address of the complainant, the reasons for the complaint and signature of the complainant. 

The complaint filing procedure involves submitting written complaints to the project team, via e-mail to: 

Foundations for complaints are deliberated on, if necessary, by the Project Team in line with the criteria and based on the data cited in the complaints, competition documentation and established factual condition, within 8 days from the reception of a complaint.  

After the deadline from the previous paragraph has expired and potential complaints by applicants considered, the Project publishes the Final List of the Project Beneficiaries.

This public call has been issued as a part of the project “Strengthening national and local systems to support the effective socio-economic integration of returnees in the Western Balkans”, financed by the European Union (EU), and implemented by UNDP. The aim of this project is to improve the capacity of institutions in the Western Balkans for implementation of comprehensive solutions for economic and social strengthening of returnees.