Digital Service Design Hub:
Clicking Together with Citizens
The Joint SDG Fund's investment in Serbia seeks to expand digital service accessibility and will prioritize inclusivity by considering vulnerable populations such as, women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities in vulnerable communities. The primary goal is to support the government in an innovative approach to digital service development through a fundamental shift towards people-centered public services, which will overhaul access, quality and effectiveness, while addressing exclusion and discrimination, increasing outreach to a wider population and design of future-proof public services.
Expected Key Results:
Digital services bring tangible benefits to all citizens, including vulnerable groups.
Developed core government capabilities for people-centric public service design.
Established a clear institutional mandate for involving citizens in the digital transformation of government services.
The Pathway to Impact is built on the foundation that people-centric service delivery and service design are most successful in gaining better adoption and usage of public services, as well as in continuously improving service delivery, especially to the most marginalized populations. Better accessibility of digital services results in faster inclusion of underserved and vulnerable groups in service delivery.
The joint programme will systematically and horizontally promote public service design in line with core United Nations values, focusing on human rights, inclusion, gender equality, accessibility, and the principle of leaving no one behind. It will contribute to enhancing citizen satisfaction, promoting a culture of citizen engagement within the public administration, and fostering trust in public institutions. The joint programme will achieve this through a twopronged strategy:
The first stream will redesign a set of digital public services to improve outcomes for users and non-users alike, gain deeper insights into access barriers, and demonstrate the tangible benefits and value of involving citizens in service design.
The second stream will build core Government capabilities and ensure the long-term sustainability of this new approach, making people-centricity a standard in public service design and delivery.