building energy renovation

Energy Efficiency in Central Government Buildings

The “Energy Efficiency in Central Government Buildings” programme is implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia and Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and in close cooperation with the Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies.

Project Goal:

Energy efficiency renovation of up to 27 central government buildings in Belgrade, of a total floor surface of 206,280 m2, 50% of which are protected as heritage buildings, in line with Article 5 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/European Union). 

Expected Results:

To reduce primary energy consumption by minimum 30%, COemission by some 20% and to save app. 29% in operating cost for energy. In addition, it is expected that the programme will improve working conditions and contribute to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.

Project Focus:

  • Elaborating the baseline energy certificates (passports). 

  • Conducting Detailed Energy Audits (DEA) to get deep insight into energy consumption and other related issues and proposing energy efficiency and renewable energy measures to be implemented within energy efficiency renovation of buildings. 

  • Developing Feasibility Study specifically for the Palace of Serbia,

  • Developing and verifying the accuracy of design documents for energy renovation of buildings based on DEA outcomes.

  • Facilitating and supervising the energy renovation works.