Community Conversations: Harnessing the Power of Communities to Solve Security, Justice and Land Issues

Community conversations: harnessing the power of communities to solve security, justice and land issues

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Community Conversations: Harnessing the Power of Communities to Solve Security, Justice and Land Issues

July 25, 2022

The UN Joint Justice Programme facilitated community-led discussions in 5 Federal Member States to find local solutions to shared issues of justice, security, and land use. Community conversations of up to 50 or more local people took place under the guidance of local community facilitators who had been trained to enable free and open discussions. 

The sessions focused on identifying common concerns, unpacking root causes, finding solutions, and reinforcing social cohesion. 

Participants discussed practical, community-led responses, individual cases, and broader issues of security and justice. The report on Community Conversations shows the initiative's impact, successes, and challenges. It recommends strengthening capacities in Non-violent Communication among resource people and community members to find win-win solutions to issues that might otherwise divide the community.

Document Type
Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals