UNDP Somalia Annual Report 2013: A New Deal for a New Somalia

UNDP Somalia Annual Report 2013: A New Deal for a New Somalia

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UNDP Somalia Annual Report 2013: A New Deal for a New Somalia

June 30, 2014

In 2013, Somalia focused on consolidating peace and improving security, with the establishment of the Federal Government and the signing of the Somali Compact and New Deal. The country is preparing for Vision 2016, which aims to implement a new constitution and hold elections by 2016. Despite positive changes, Somalia's humanitarian situation remains fragile, with half of the population living in poverty, and more than one million people displaced or living as refugees. UNDP is focused on promoting statebuilding and peacebuilding over the next three years, and significant progress will be necessary to achieve the simultaneous eradication of poverty and significant reduction of inequalities and exclusion. UNDP efforts in Somalia include extending access to justice, training civilian police officers, creating jobs, supporting social rehabilitation and integration programs for at-risk youth, providing legal aid services, and fostering long-term employment through grants and microfinance schemes.