Marcos Neto, UN Assistant Secretary General and Director of UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support delivers a statement at the high level event hosted by the COP Presidencies Troika, at the helm of 79th UN General Assembly.
Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,
It is an honour to join you today at this critical event. Amidst the international solidarity demonstrated this week with the adoption of the Pact of the Future, I want to underscore the importance of the next few months not only to deliver on the Paris Agreement, but to drive sustainable development.
Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs are one of the most powerful tools we have to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
The UN System is fully mobilized to help countries put forward NDCs that are 1.5 aligned, that respond to development priorities and that ensure a just and equitable transition.
Excellences, colleagues, since the call of the UN Secretary General in April – requesting all UN Agencies to scale up coordinated support to countries on the development of NDC 3.0, and the launch of the Climate Promise 2025 as the infrastructure for delivering this support, we have been hard at work.
UNDP, on behalf of the UN System, has led extensive outreach to Parties and negotiating groups to understand expected gaps and needs and share our offer of support. We have shared this joint offer as closely aligned with a broader set of offers being put forward by non-UN partners, through the convening of the NDC Partnership.
A series of six Regional NDC 3.0 Forums are underway, jointly organized by UNEP, UNFCCC, NDC Partnership and UNDP, for Government representatives to exchange experience on their NDC processes, build capacity and advocate for greater ambition.
At the same time, we are mobilizing across the UN System in each country where we serve, leveraging the strength of the existing UN System infrastructure.
And progress is being made.
UN Country Teams in more than 70 countries to date have come together under the convening leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator to compile offers for Governments to define where and how the UN System can address critical gaps and needs for advancing the NDC process.
In addition, 30 UN agencies have communicated their global and regional level offers which are being matched with the discussions ongoing in country. These tools, guidance and technical assistance are multi-sectoral, cover both mitigation and adaptation, and link NDCs to broader development priorities – like jobs, trade and health.
At the same time, we are creating platforms and opportunities for all parts of society to inform the process, including youth, women, and indigenous peoples.
And UNDP has been doing our part. We continue to scale up our targeted technical support to countries to set a clear roadmap for developing the new NDC, and provide the necessary analyses, consultations, policy alignment and target setting to make them a reality. We are drawing on our portfolio of support on transparency, adaptation and mitigation action to underpin this process, and strengthen the investibility of NDCs as a path towards implementation.
However, despite this progress, there is still a lot of work to do, and I want to call on all of you – champions of NDCs – to help advance this effort.
First, many UN agencies are digging deep into their limited resources to answer the call. Most of the support being offered is pieced together from existing efforts. It will not cover many of the essential activities that make up a meaningful and impactful NDC development process.
We are working closely with the NDC Partnership, to connect with support crowded-in from all members. We thank donors that have already stepped up to fill some of these gaps and invite others to join them. Without you, this effort cannot deliver what the world needs.
Second, although there is a strong willingness from most developing countries to put forward a more ambitious NDC, we must recognize, respect, and celebrate the sovereign nature of these commitments. This is what makes NDCs such a powerful tool for meeting the ambitious Paris Agreement Goals – this is driven from within and owned by every single country.
Third, G20 countries must lead by example - submitting a 1.5 aligned NDC by the deadline of February 10, or sooner. This gesture will provide the necessary signal to others that the time to step up is now. Besides the commitment to invest in NDCs, walking the talk and putting forward ambitious NDCs is perhaps the most crucial step that developed countries can take to put us within reach of the 1.5 goal.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
In NDCs we have a clear plan to chart a pathway out of the climate crisis. This is our chance.
Let us take advantage of the incredible opportunity of this next round of NDCs and the momentum of international solidarity - to deliver on our promises of climate action and sustainable development.