The profound changes that are turning planet Earth into a fashion victim.
Not built to last, fast fashion doesn’t. Except in landfills.
The fashion industry is worth US$2.5 trillion. It’s the second largest polluter in the world, just after the oil industry. Environmental damage is increasing as the industry grows.
So how much do you really know about what our obsession with clothes is costing the Earth?
We love clothes so much that we are buying more and more and wearing them fewer and fewer times.
Increasingly, we love ‘fast fashion’ – ultra-cheap clothing designed to be worn briefly and then tossed when the next new trend rushes by.
out of 7
Full marks for stopping by! And for hearing the truth - that there are no winners in fast fashion.
Too often the industry gets a free pass while taking hacking shears to most of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly as they concern poverty, human rights, gender equality, clean water, decent work, responsible consumption and production, and the climate crisis.
We hope what you’ve learned will encourage you to join us in shopping around for a new ethical and sustainable approach to fashion – one that is tailored to both our love of clothes and our planet and fellow humans.