The GCCA + Climate Change Suriname Adaptation - Phase 2 Project, distributes PPE in Nickerie & Coronie

May 17, 2021


District Commissioner Nickerie and Staff Photo Credit: Lorenzo Grando, April 2021


The GCCA + Climate Change Suriname Adaptation - Phase 2 Project, continues distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect individuals against COVID-19, in Nickerie and Coronie


District Commissioner Coronie and Staff Photo Credit: Lorenzo Grando, April 2021


May 2021


One of the children’s homes in Nickerie – Olga Clark Kinderhuis Photo Credit: Lorenzo Grando, April 2021


With the third wave of the global COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing in Suriname unprecedented preventive and mitigation measures are still very much needed. The measures to reduce the risk of spreading of the virus declared by the government of Suriname, include the use of face masks and hand sanitizers amongst others

To continue mitigating the possible impact of the pandemic, eight institutions in Nickerie and Coronie are now better equipped to combat the current COVID-19 crisis. Thanks to the supply of cleaning materials and personal protective equipment, made possible through support from the GCCA+ Climate Change Suriname Adaptation – Phase 2 Project financed by the European Union and United Nations Development Programme, supported by the Government of Suriname.


Institution for people with disabilities in Coronie –Zr Dankers Centrum Centrum Photo Credit: Afandi, April 2021


The project started with the distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) items to the Government partners in Paramaribo, in December 2020. Apart from the Nature Conservation Division in Nickerie and Coronie which was already provided through the department in Paramaribo office, the distribution continued on April 28th, 2021 with the District Commissioners in Nickerie and Coronie and social intuitions within the two districts.

The PPE-items that were donated include child-friendly COVID-19 Information books,
COVID-19 information video on a memory stick, disposable masks, cloth masks, thermometers, gloves, face shields, hand sanitizers, bottles of 70% alcohol and cleaning products.


One of the elderly homes in Nickerie – Bejaarden tehuis Rust en Werk Photo Credit: Afandi, April 2021


More than 9000 PPE items were donated to six social institutions in Nickerie and two in Coronie.


  1. District Commissioner Nickerie
  2. Stichting Open Poort Olga Clarck kinderhuis
  3. Gaytrie kinderhuis
  4. Opvanghuis schoolgaande kinderen uit Kabalebo
  5. Huize Francis
  6. Rust en werk
  7. Zr. Dankers Centrum


  1. District Commissioner Coronie
  2. Kinderhuis de toekomst
  3. Huize Lunor

To reduce any risk and ensure minimal personal contact, the PPE items were delivered to the location of the organizations through a COVID-safe drive-by handover.