Train the Trainer Training Session on Localizing SDGs

Photo credit: UNDP Suriname
The Ministry of Regional Development (RO) organizes a Train the Trainer Session on Localizing the SDGs on Wednesday, 26 June and Friday, 05 July 2019.
Under the aegis of the project Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Regional Development, the ministry is organizing a 2-day training session on Localizing the SDGs. The training is held for the staff of the different ministry departments, the District Commissioner Offices of Kabalebo and Marowijne, and Fonds Ontwikkeling Binneland (Fund for the Development of the Interior). Its aim is to provide in-depth information on SDGs with emphasis on localization. The participant will function as SDGs agents, and will be deployed for awareness and outreach activities targeting local authorities, communities and special groups such as tribal communities, youth in institutions, and people with disabilities. The training is also meant to review and take stock of the methodology used and lessons learned of the awareness and outreach sessions held so far by the Ministry.

Photo credit: UNDP Suriname
At the opening of the session, Dr. Armstrong Alexis, the UNDP R.R. a.i., recognizes in his address the UNDP’s commitment to fulfilling its partnership role and sustaining its support to the Ministry in localizing SDGs. He reiterates the excellent collaboration with the Ministry of Regional Development and congratulates the Ministry and its team for the efforts made and the successes achieved so far. He emphasizes the importance of reporting to the international community and UNDP’s support thereto.
UNDP through the Ministry of Regional Development has been actively engaged in Localizing the SDGs and working in different sectors. Dr. Armstrong also notes that the Ministry has continued to demonstrate its commitment to Localizing the SDGs and kept it as a priority on its agenda. He ends his remarks with the statement: “We have been delivering different outputs. For instance, the card game, which enables a fun way to learn about SDGs; jingles (theme song); and posters of the 17 SDGs in different languages, such as Sranan tongo. Every Surinamese, at every level, should be exposed to SDGs".

Photo credit: UNDP Suriname
The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Development, Drs. Wilco Finisie, started his opening remarks by explaining the new organigram of the Ministry. He congratulates the team with the vehicle which has been set up collaboratively with the UNDP to make the SDGs visible. He states: “We are working together daily on the 17 goals, but the question is, are we aware, and do our target groups know the 17 goals?” He continues: “We, as SDGs, ‘boskopu man’ (messenger), have the role to inform the stakeholders about the SDGs, starting with the government at the national level, but also at the local level with the District Commissioners; and to translate that to the national level policy and planning. Also, the other governmental entities such as the traditional leadership, special groups like the PWDs, youth, elderly.” He also raises the question: “Are we capable of translating the SDGs to make them understandable, and of translating that back to policy and interventions?”
He reiterates: “We are activists, the Ministry together with SFOB; our capacity should be strengthened and our staff equipped to achieve the 17 goals. It is a challenge for the Ministry, but we make our efforts so that everyone in the country understands the SDGs. The Ministry will also concretize the goals, efforts, and changes that should take place between now and 2030, not only to understand, but also to physically demonstrate the changes that the SDGs are meant to bring, such as improvements in food safety and water quality—to showcase the actual changes; that is the challenge!”

Photo credit: UNDP Suriname
With these final notes he officially opens the training session: “The Ministry is pleased that you are here. We will use the technical assistance to upscale our knowledge and skills, and the UNDP seems ready to provide the support. Again, congratulations, and I wish you all success, and that you are participating in the training session with the same vibes and enthusiasm as 2 years ago. You will see individual growth. SDGs are achieved firstly by you.”