Key Insights to Enhancing Youth Inclusion in Syria

A Strategic Portfolio Approach

September 23, 2024

UNDP Syria is using systems thinking and portfolio logic to understand and address the complex issue of youth inclusion.  UNDP’s portfolio approach involves gaining a deep understanding of system dynamics to design a set of interconnected interventions that can be dynamically managed to generate a continuous supply of new policy and programmatic options over time.


UNDP Syria’s Portfolio Journey is divided into three parts: Internal Sensemaking; External Sensemaking: Mapping and Listening; and Collective Interpretation and Co-Design. 

Three Key Insights from the Process So Far

1- Power of Visualization for Collective Knowledge


One of the most significant lessons learned was the power of visualization in creating collective knowledge. For example, we were able to “see” gaps between current employment generation efforts and the needs of the private sector. For instance, Syria hosts a diverse youth inclusion initiative, spanning a variety of sectors and driven by numerous small and mid-stakeholders and individuals. Despite the abundance and variety of these initiatives, we see a notable lack of interconnection and coordination between them. Skills and capacity building is a particularly active area, largely because it is easier to implement, but there appears to be a disconnect between the skills provided by universities and others and those demanded by the labour market. 

The visualization not only clarified complex relationships and interconnections but also enhanced our own communication and collaboration. By visualizing stakeholders and initiatives, our team was able to see the broader picture and understand how their individual contributions fit into the overall system. Team members felt more engaged and energized, and the collective knowledge gained through this process created a sense of unity and purpose among us.


2- Power of Iterative Design 

UNDP’s portfolio approach calls for continuous learning and adaptation. At first, the team struggled not to follow the traditional project management process. The journey was not linear, and we encountered challenges in embracing the “not knowing”. However, we soon realized the value of continuing to listen and to map, as the context here is changing so fast and there are so many more voices to hear from. The feedback loops created by mapping and listening ensure that team members remain connected to the evolving realities on the ground, and that we will be able to adapt our strategies more rapidly and address unexpected gaps. This adaptability has been crucial in keeping the team motivated, empowered and focused on the vision captured in our statement of intent.


3- Finding our “Strategic Bets” 

UNDP’s portfolio approach encourages a focus on areas in the system that have the potential to generate insights about how the system works (or does not) – where we want to place our strategic bets. As we gain a deeper understanding of the youth inclusion system, we want to place these bets in areas that resonate naturally with young people and their communities. For example, there is clear interest in understanding the intersection of the private sector (specifically the tech sector) and digital (possibly exploring remote employment in this sector); and the intersection of young women and young PwDs in rural areas. 


What's Next?

Understanding the ecosystem through comprehensive listening and mapping is providing us with the insights needed to design interventions more strategically. We look forward to further engagement through the collective understanding and co-creation steps to further clarify where and how to act for the greatest impact. 


As we forge ahead, we will look for more active engagement and support from various partners across sectors.  We hope to create a space for initiatives to be woven into a cohesive framework, creating a portfolio of interconnected interventions that evolve dynamically. This strategy is designed to continuously generate innovative solutions, driving strategic development impacts and fostering greater youth inclusion in Syria over time.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights!