Empowering Youth for Climate Action: Arafa’s Journey to Sustainable Impact

August 10, 2023

Arafa Hamad Bakari, Beneficiary of UNDP and UNICEF’s WasteX Lab.

UNDP Tanzania

Meet Arafa Hamad Bakari, a 27-year-old woman from Zanzibar, who is making a significant impact in the fight against climate change. Armed with her passion for sustainability and a desire to make a difference, Arafa has become a beacon of hope for her community. Through her work at the WasteX Lab, a pioneering initiative developed by UNDP and UNICEF, she is contributing to a more sustainable future for us all.

Arafa's journey began with a simple yet ingenious idea. She recognized the potential of using organic waste, such as food scraps, sawdust, cow dung, green, and dry leaves, to create organic fertilizer. This approach not only helps reduce solid waste but also promotes sustainable agriculture practices. With determination and hard work, Arafa turned her idea into a reality, proving that small actions can have a significant impact.

In 2020, Arafa's life took a transformative turn when she participated in Capacity Building Programs in Zanzibar and met her mentor, Dr. Mwatima, the founder and Managing Director of Msonge Organic Farm. Inspired by Dr. Mwatima's work in organic farming and permaculture, Arafa embraced her mentor's teachings and sought to learn more about permaculture processes.

In 2022, Arafa seized an opportunity through the Blue Economy Innovation Challenge. Selected as one of the shortlisted candidates, she underwent three months of training and emerged as the second winner, receiving $3000 from the WasteX Lab to scale up her business further. This achievement bolstered Arafa's confidence and opened doors to connect with more potential partners and organizations.

Throughout her journey, Arafa's business has grown, and she has become a role model for many aspiring young entrepreneurs. She now dreams of being known as "Arafa the Organic Lady," and her vision now extends to expanding her business across Africa and beyond, much like her mentor, Dr. Mwatima.

Arafa's success story is deeply intertwined with the WasteX Lab, an innovative initiative developed by UNDP and UNICEF. WasteX Lab serves as both a physical space and a program, offering young innovators like Arafa a platform for experimentation, peer-to-peer learning, and sharing of best practices. Additionally, WasteX Lab focuses on providing business development services to innovators, particularly those using digital technology to address waste management challenges and marine pollution in Zanzibar. The initiative emphasizes using innovative approaches to influence behavioral change related to waste management and strengthens the government's capacity to tackle these environmental challenges.

Arafa's story is a testament to the power of empowering youth, especially young women, in driving positive change. Through initiatives like WasteX Lab, UNDP and its partners are nurturing the potential of young innovators like Arafa, enabling them to create sustainable solutions for a better and greener future. As Arafa continues her journey as a student pursuing her Second Degree in Gender and Development Studies, she remains steadfast in her mission to contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous Tanzania, leaving a lasting impact on the world around her.