Serges-Roberteau Tchoffo

Head of Experimentation Acc Lab Cameroon


Serges-Roberteau TCHOFFO has more than 08 years of professional experience in the development sector. Before joining UNDP, he worked as staff with the GIZ, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and ‘Forêts et Développement Rural’ (NGO). He has worked also as an Consultant Expert in GIS, Cartography and project management with the public and private sector, International NGOs, National and International Organizations. In terms of education, Roberteau holds a research master’s degree in Geography, a professional master’s degree in [Applied Cartography, Remote Sensing and GIS], and a [Higher Certificate in Geomatics and Applications]. He is also certified Project Management Professional (PMI/PMP®). He had already published paper as main author or co-author on the topics related to the usage of GIS for natural resources monitoring and risk management in the Rwanda Journal of Science, Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences and Harmattan France.