The training covered various topics including gender basic awareness, sexual harassment, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), domestic violence, the role of the Vulnerable Persons’ Unit (VPU), Resolution 1325: Women, Peace and Security as well as reproductive health including family planning and sexually transmitted diseases.
The training targeted both female and male PNTL officers, with 29 officers – including seven female officers - successfully completing the 3-day course.
On 17-19 September 2018 the “PNTL Strengthening Governance and Service Delivery” project delivered Gender Mainstreaming Training to PNTL Baucau Municipality to increase their awareness of the concept of gender equality, as well as international and national frameworks designed to protect vulnerable people, as well as women and girls.
The training covered various topics including gender basic awareness, sexual harassment, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), domestic violence, the role of the Vulnerable Persons’ Unit (VPU), Resolution 1325: Women, Peace and Security as well as reproductive health including family planning and sexually transmitted diseases. The training targeted both female and male PNTL officers, with 29 officers – including seven female officers - successfully completing the 3-day course.
Photo © Marina Maruyama/UNDP Timor-Leste
The Gender Focal Point, Head of VPU, Officer from Investigation Unit and Operation Manager who completed a two-day facilitation skills training the previous week, facilitated several of the modules including gender basic awareness, sexual harassment, domestic violence and community policing, successfully demonstrating the knowledge and skills learned during the previous training and gaining additional experience in facilitating sessions
The training was conducted in coordination with the PNTL Head of Gender Unit in Dili, Ministry of Interior, Marie Stopes Timor-Leste and UN Women. The Head of the Gender Unit of PNTL Headquarters in Dili joined the training to observe the work of the Gender Focal Point and encourage PNTL officers to promote gender equality.
The UNDP training team is highly confident that participants were able increase their awareness of the concept of gender equality and gender related issues such as gender-based violence and reproductive health. In addition, the training helped them to recognise their roles and responsibilities in protecting the rights of vulnerable people as well as the importance of applying gender perspectives to their daily work.
Photo © Marina Maruyama/UNDP Timor-Leste