‘Youth need to invest in themselves, to motivate themselves and to become their own job-creators’
UNDP is proud to support this event and contribute to the development of youth in Timor-Leste
On 14 August 2018, UN Agencies in co-operation with the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport (SEJD), the Timor-Leste Red Cross (CVTL) together with Comoro and Becora Youth Centers celebrated International Youth Day with the theme ‘Safe Spaces for Youth’ at SEJD compound in Dili.
The President of the Organizing Committee Sra. Vidiana Xareal opened the event by welcoming all youth participants and Government VIPs, including the Minister and Vice Minister of Education, Youth and Sports (MEJD), as well as the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports (SEJD) and UN Resident Representative in Timor-Leste.
The event was held at the Secretary of State of Youth and Sport office in Dili (SEJD). The President of the Organizing Committee Sra. Vidiana Xareal opened the event. UN Resident Co-ordinator a.i. Ronny Lindstrom gave a short opening speech, followed by a speech by the Minister for Education Dra. Dulce de Jesus Soares. All speakers were then invited to participate in the symbolic act of releasing birds and balloons to mark the beginning of the celebrations.
In the opening speech, H.E. Dra. Dulce de Jesus Soares, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports highlighted the importance of supporting the youth to take lead in the national development of Timor-Leste. Minister Dulce also stressed that the Government of Timor-Leste is committed to engaging youth organizations not only at national and international day celebrations, such as the IYD 2018 celebration today, but also empower youth to unlock economic opportunities through traditional business, traditional culture and promoting the culture of Timor-Leste in the development process.
Meanwhile, UN Resident Coordinator a.i, Ronny Lindstrom noted that ‘Young people, especially adolescent girls, face formidable challenges staying healthy, getting an education, and making their own decisions in life. Threats to their rights and well-being today jeopardize their potential to become engaged, productive citizens tomorrow. We have the power—and responsibility—to help every girl and boy make a safe and healthy transition through adolescence and adulthood.
''Every space should be a safe space for youth—the home, the classroom, the health centre, the tables where policies and peace agreements are penned,’ he said. Mr Lindstrom also called that ‘Our efforts enable young people to develop the skills, knowledge and support they need to make informed decisions about their bodies, lives, families, communities, countries, and our world.'
After the speeches, all guests were invited to release birds and balloons to mark the beginning of the celebrations. The celebrations carried on all day, marked different activities and events to provide an interactive space for youth to participate and partake in the celebrations.
At the event, UNDP’s KJFL beneficiaries were able to promote their products and services, among other entrepreneurs, Nuno Ridenio (Blackbox Coffee), Elvi Trindade (Fruit Salad), Mariano Alves (Kafe Organika Atsabe), Jose Miranda (Strawberry) and Bee Lafaek (Water Gallons) were able to showcase their services and products to the public, local youths, Government Representatives and UN Representatives. KJFL was proud to note that both Minister and Vice MEJD, SEJD, as well as invited guests were able to taste different local products provided by young entrepreneurs.
KJFL’s inspirational youth entrepreneurs, Silvia Correia and Mariano Da Costa Alves (Ameta) presented speeches to encourage youth to invest in themselves. Both entrepreneurs promoted the power of self-employment for personal and professional development. They promoted the message of KJFL, that youth should feel empowered to become their own job-creators.
Silvia noted that ‘youth need to invest in themselves, to motivate themselves and to become their own job-creators’. Following Silvia, Ameta spoke about his personal success, reinforcing the natural opportunities that are available all over Timor-Leste. He commented that ‘youth can utilise the information that is available in Dili, but they cannot forget about the opportunities that are also available in their home-towns.’
Youth were invited to participate in various activities at the event. Youth engaged in dancing, photo-taking and could explore the different stalls. Different youth organisations were invited to participate in a ‘local food’ cooking and painting competition, the winners of which received prizes in the afternoon.
Following this, local telecommunications company Telkomcel provided an interactive quiz where youth could participate and answer questions relating to the Sustainable Development Goals and the 70th Anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Other free services available were including health and blood test, nutrition consultation provide by WHO, WFP, UNFPA, Marie Stopes and Ordem de Malta.
The event concluded with closing remarks from SEJD, H.E. Mr. Nelio Isaac Sarmento who thanked the participants, especially the organizing committee led by CVTL, youth volunteers and different youth organisations for supporting the event.
He said, ‘this event is important to show the youth that we are all working together to enable their development and progress’. The event reinforces the role of UNDP and KJFL in promoting the voice of youths and providing opportunities for the youth of Timor-Leste. UNDP is proud to support this event and contribute to the development of youth in Timor-Leste.