UNDP and the MoEYS will work together to develop a five-year project (2021-2025) “ICT Skills and Knowledge for Youth in Timor-Leste (iSKY-TL)”
MoU Signing
Dili, Timor-Leste (August 10, 2021): UNDP and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cost Sharing Agreement to support the achievements of the goals set out in the National Strategic Plan for Education (NSPE) 2011-2030.
Under this partnership, UNDP and the MoEYS will work together to develop a five-year project (2021-2025) “ICT Skills and Knowledge for Youth in Timor-Leste (iSKY-TL)” to strengthen the quality of ICT education in secondary and vocational schools for students to accelerate in learning and employment. The new partnership and the project has been developed upon the success and lessons learned of UNDP’s recent ICT education project in Oecusse.
Under this new project, UNDP and MoEYS will develop a comprehensive strategic plan for the ICT education system at secondary and vocational levels in Timor-Leste, including a baseline assessment. The project will equip schools with the necessary physical and digital ICT infrastructure and provide hands-on ICT training for teachers and students (50% girls).
This partnership will contribute Timor-Leste achieving the SDG Goal 8 – Decent work and Economic growth and Goal 4 - Quality Education.
H.E. Dr. Armindo Maia said that “This new joint initiative between MOEYS and UNDP will help our students and teachers in the secondary school (both general and technical and vocational) to improve their ICT skills and knowledge. It will also expand their ways of learning and thinking. This will eventually contribute to the Timor-Leste Education Strategic Plan (2011-2030) which emphasizes the importance of the practical applications of the relevant knowledge to the productive processes in Timor-Leste and to prepare students to join the labour market.”
Ms. Lazima Onta-Bhatta, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP, said that “UNDP is thankful for the MoEYS for their trust and support for this new joint initiative to develop a nationwide ICT education project utilizing the achievements and lessons learned from UNDP’s recent successful ICT education project in Oe-cusse. The partnership is also aligned with UNDP Country Programme Document Output 1.1. Young men and women have improved access to sustainable economic opportunities.”