Promoting new and renewable energy development
South-South and Triangular cooperation to boost access to solar-powered electricity
Jakarta, 10 September 2020 – About 20,000 people living in rural and remote parts of Indonesia and Timor-Leste will gain access to clean electricity and clean water from solar power as a result of a US$ 18 million initiative funded by a four-year Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) project.
“KOICA stands ready to work for the ACCESS partnership, committed to ensuring access to clean energy and tackling the issue of energy inequality. Under the framework of South-South and Triangular Cooperation between Timor-Leste and Indonesia, the Government of two countries, KOICA and UNDP will work together with a clear set of common goals so that the ACCESS project can make meaningful progress,” said Mr. Jeong Hoe Jin, Country Director of KOICA Indonesia office.
Director General of New, Renewable and Energy Conservation (NREEC), F.X. Sutijastoto, from the Indonesia Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said that The ACCESS project is aligned with and supports the acceleration program of electrification in remote areas, with funding support from KOICA to build communal solar-PV power plants to increase the number of electrified villages. This project is a strategy to promote new and renewable energy development in line with Indonesia’s target to increase the share of renewables in the national energy mix to 23 percent by 2025. The Directorate General of NREEC commits to support the ACCESS project's implementation as well as developing technical cooperation in the clean energy sector with Timor-Leste.
“By bringing access to reliable and affordable electricity, ACCESS will change the life of thousands of people who had not access to it in remote areas of Eastern Indonesia as well as Timor Leste. This project exemplifies the commitment of UNDP, together with KOICA, to reach out to the most deprived populations and reduce inequalities. It gives a true meaning to the “Leave No One Behind agenda,” said UNDP Indonesia’s acting Resident Representative, Sophie Kemkhadze. “ACCESS is also a climate action that the electricity generated will be clean and renewable as it will come from solar panels. UNDP Indonesia is grateful to KOICA for the support provided and to the Governments of Indonesia and Timor-Leste with whom we will implement this major initiative”
To date, more than 10 million Indonesians and around 37,000 families in Timor-Leste do not have access to reliable electricity. The majority of them live in the remote parts of the country, where the project is focused.
“ACCESS is a meaningful and timely project for Timor-Leste contributing to people’s welfare in the country by improving access to electricity and water for local residents” said KOICA Country Director in Timor-Leste, Mr. Sikhyun KIM, adding, “Internationally, this project shall be a small stepping stone to heal the history of the past and to enhance the friendly relations between two countries through the South-South and Triangular cooperation between Timor-Leste and Indonesia. Also, I hope this could be a catalyst for Timor’s long-cherished wish to join ASEAN”.
"Communities living in the most remote and deprived areas of Timor-Leste face continuous challenges to access electricity and clean water –a situation worsened over recent years by climate change", said Ms. Munkhtuya Altangerel, UNDP Resident Representative in Timor-Leste, adding: "ACCESS provides timely support to people living in remote parts of the country with improved access to safe and reliable water sources through renewable energy solutions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where hygiene and sanitation are crucial.”
By providing clean energy to the most marginalised communities, the project will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 7 – affordable and clean energy and Goal 10 on reducing inequalities.
KOICA Indonesia Program Manager, Nikka Sassongko,
MEMR Directorate General of NREEC’s Public Relation, Dian Lorinsa,
UNDP Indonesia Communication Specialist, Tomi Soetjipto,
UNDP Indonesia Senor Adviser for Sustainable Energy, Verania Andria,
UNDP Timor-Leste ACCESS Project Manager, Bernardino da Costa Pereira,
UNDP Timor-Leste media contact,