Jake’s talk highlighted the importance of collaborative action for climate change
Jake was interviewed by RTTL.ep, Community Radio Comoro (RCC) and Tatoli
On 03 August 2018, SDG Ambassador for Climate Change and Ocean Jake Lasi presented an inspirational talk ‘Promoting Peace through Biodiversity Conservation in Timor-Leste’. The talk followed Jake’s participation in the Peace Boat Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador Programme, ending with a United Nations forum in New York in July 2018. Jake was selected as one of two representatives from Southeast Asia to represent Timor-Leste in this programme.
National Director for Biodiversity of the Secretary of State for Environment Mr. Rui Pires in his opening remarks congratulated Jake for his passion to support biodiversity conservation in Timor-Leste. He highlighted that Jake is embarking upon a critical role of being a leader for change at a critical time. Director Rui also underlined the importance of all Timorese citizens, particularly the youth, to take a lead in protecting and conserving the environment.
Meanwhile, UN Resident Coordinator a.i, Mr Ronny Lindstrom reinforced the potential for partnerships to encourage and strengthen climate action. He said “It is important to hear Jake’s story and to reinforce to the world Timor-Leste’s current action for sustainable development. It is equally important for the youth to be at the forefront of achieving the SDGs, and vital for them to go overseas and be able to share their experiences.
Jake’s talk highlighted the importance of collaborative action for climate change. In his speech, Jake explained the various locations that he visited during the 17-day voyage. He described the critical relationship between ocean and climate and reinforced the necessity of Government policy, international agencies and the broader public to address climate change and promote sustainability.
At the High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development in New York, Jake learnt that Timor-Leste has a unique and beautiful nature which must be quickly protected and conserved as it has potential for tourism. “I felt like I am left behind”, Jake said when he arrived in New York. He added that “Youth should take more roles in advocacy to promote and protect biodiversity – both land and sea life.”
During question and answers, Jake responded to questions relating to his plans for environmental conservation in Timor-Leste. “My dream is to have a Turtle Island in Timor-Leste and establish a Sea Scout organization to protect marine lives”, he said. Jake also highlighted that ocean policy is crucial for countries to share responsibilities for conservation. Jake’s responses reinforce the Government’s plan to reduce plastic waste to zero in Timor-Leste.
Mr. Samuel Soares, Policy Officer and representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation also congratulated Jake Lasi, describing him as a ‘model and inspiration for all youth.’ ‘We are proud to support the process to send Jake Lasi to talk about Timorese aspirations at global forums, as through these forums we can learn what youth in other countries are doing to develop their communities.”
In closing remarks, Mr. Pires noted that Timor-Leste has been performing well and is becoming a leading country for many global initiatives and forums. However, more still needs to be done. The Government of Timor-Leste, through the Secretary of State for Environment is keen to support youth programs related to environment, climate change and ocean, including Jake’s plan. Jake’s inspirational talk reinforces the potential for youth development and the importance of promoting climate change action in Timor-Leste.
In addition to Government Representatives, the inspirational talk was attended by more than 60 youth from youth groups, universities and the public, with media presence including RTTL.ep, Community Radio Comoro (RCC) and Tatoli. The session was also entertained by ‘The Kraken’ group band with an inspirational song called ‘Proteje Meiu Ambiente or ‘Protect the Environment’.