UNDP and the Government of Japan Propel INFPM into a Solar-Power Future

UNDP and the Government of Timor-Leste with the support of the Government of Japan launched the solarization of the INFPM warehouse as part of the Green Transformation journey of the country

September 24, 2024
a laptop computer sitting on top of a table

Launch of the solarization of the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medical Products.

Photo: UNDP Timor-Leste

Díli, 24/09/2024 – Today, the UNDP and the Government of Timor-Leste launched the solarization of the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medical Products (INFPM, formerly known as SAMES), with an effort from the project, “Promoting Green Transformation in the Pacific Region towards Net-Zero and Climate-resilient Development (Pacific Green Transformation Project)”, funded by the Government of Japan. Launched in 2023 and set to run through 2025, this transformative project has the aim to help Timor-Leste on stepping into the Green Energy Transformation journey, for a more sustainable, inclusive development for all.

The installation of solar panels at INFPM is a part of output 2 of this project implemented by UNDP. UNDP will install solar panels on this medical warehouse that stores all the medication provided at public health facilities countrywide. With solar energy, the warehouse will have a stable and continuous energy supply, essential for the maintenance of medication, vaccines, and other critical health supplies at an adequate temperature. Solarization will not only safeguard the optimal maintenance of critical medicines and vaccines, but it will also cut operational costs and reduce INFPM’s carbon footprint, contributing to a greener and healthier future.

Ms. Adeline Carrier, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative stated the importance of the Green Transformation in INFPM and Timor-Leste, as it marks a great milestone on the journey that the country is taking towards a more sustainable future for all, in this crucial time where the country is facing severe climate change issues, both at local and national levels. She emphasized, “We are at a turning point where we need to embrace renewable energy sources, reduce emissions, and adopt sustainable practices, and Timor-Leste can contribute to mitigating the impacts of climate change and building a more resilient future for its people and communities”, and “the project is a statement of the power of partnership to the Government of Timor-Leste, the Government of Japan and the UNDP”.

a group of people posing for the camera

Launch of the solarization of the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medical Products

Photo: UNDP Timor-Leste/Clara Santos

The launch event was attended by key stakeholders including H.E. Mr. KIMURA Tetsuya, Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste, Ms. Adeline Carrier, the UNDP Timor-Leste Deputy Resident Representative, H.E. Mr. Samuel Marçal, the Minister of Public Works, and H.E. Mr. José dos Reis Magno, Vice-Minister for Institutional Strengthening of Health, welcomed by Dr. Brígido Simão de Deus, Executive Director of INFPM, highlighting the collaborative effort to advance climate action and sustainability.

“The role of INFPM is vital as it serves as the national medical warehouse supplying all medication to the people of Timor-Leste. Therefore, I am pleased to note that the institute’s operations will be enhanced with a stable energy supply through the installation of solar panels. This year marks the 25th anniversary year of Japan’s cooperation with Timor-Leste.  As a trusted friend, Japan is committed to continuing support for Timor-Leste. Together, we can build a sustainable and resilient future.” Said H.E. Mr. KIMURA Tetsuya, Ambassador of Japan.

H.E. Mr. Samuel Marçal, the Minster of Public Works expressed his profound gratitude and appreciation to the Government of Japan and UNDP and emphasized the importance of green energy stating that “The solar panels provided today will help solve our electricity problems and ensure sustainable energy. Timor-Leste is a country with great potential, and with proper use of solar energy, we can reduce electricity costs by 30-40%”.

“We thank the Japanese Government and UNDP for their assistance, particularly for the installation of solar panels in rural health posts. This will greatly assist our medical staff in delivering essential services, ensuring sustainability and the preservation of critical medical supplies”, said H.E. Mr. José dos Reis Magno, Vice-Minister for Institutional Strengthening of Health, voicing his support and appreciation.

Dr. Brígido Simão de Deus, Executive Director of INFPM also joined to thank the efforts by the People of Japan and UNDP, highlighting that “This support from UNDP and the Japanese Government is a great opportunity to address our energy needs, particularly in maintaining sensitive items like vaccines. INFPM is very grateful, as access to reliable energy is critical”.

With a total funding of 37.5 million USD by the Government of Japan, the project targets 4 Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Vanuatu, and Timor-Leste, with the aim of advancing climate action through the power of renewable energy, reducing the contribution to the climate change, and helping communities build resilience, and adapt to climate risks, inclusively and sustainably. For Timor-Leste, the project has funding of 5,78 million USD, with 3 main outputs implemented across the municipalities of Manatuto, Manufahi, and Ainaro: support solar energy access to 1000 rural households not connected to the national electricity grid, as well as improved cooking stoves that will reduce the use of firewood and the hazards it involves; solarization of INFPM and 2 health posts for improved health service; and support the renovation and solarization of 15 ICT classrooms in selected schools to promote digital teaching and learning. The Installation process for INFPM is expected to be concluded by March 2025.

For related photo or video, please visit: https://www.undp.org/timor-leste/projects/green-transformation-project

a group of people standing in front of a crowd

Media interview with H.E. José dos Reis Magno, Vice-Minister for Institutional Strengthening of Health

Photo: UNDP Timor-Leste/Maria Silvia D.R. Lopes




PNUD no Governu Japaun dudu INFPM ba futuru ida ho enerjia solar

PNUD no Governu Timor-Leste ho apoiu husi Governu Japaun halo lansamentu ba solarizasaun armajen INFPM nu’udar parte ida husi viajen Transformasaun Verde nasaun nian

Díli, 24/09/2024 – Ohin, PNUD no Governu Timor-Leste halo lansamentu ba solarizasaun Institutu Nasionál Farmásia no Produtu Médiku (INFPM, uluk koñesidu ho naran SAMES), ho esforsu ida hosi Projetu Transformasaun Verde Pasífiku. Lansa tiha ona iha tinan 2023 no sei kontinua to’o tinan 2025, projetu transformativu ida ne’e iha objetivu atu ajuda Timor-Leste hodi hakat ba iha viajen Transformasaun Enerjia Verde, ba dezenvolvimentu ida ne’ebé sustentável liu, inkluzivu ba ema hotu, ho finansiamentu husi Governu Japaun.

Instalasaun painel solar iha INFPM hanesan parte ida husi output 2 husi projetu ida ne’e implementa husi PNUD. PNUD sei instala painél solár sira iha armajen médiku ida-ne'e ne'ebé rai ai-moruk hotu-hotu ne'ebé fornese ba iha instalasaun saúde públika sira iha nasaun tomak. Ho enerjia solár, armajen sei iha fornesimentu enerjia ne'ebé estável no kontínua, esensiál ba manutensaun ai-moruk, vasina, no fornesimentu saúde krítiku sira seluk iha temperatura ne'ebé adekuadu. Solarizasaun sei la'ós de'it salvaguarda manutensaun ótimu ba ai-moruk no vasina krítiku sira, maibé sei mós hamenus kustu operasionál sira no hamenus INFPM nia carbon footprint, kontribui ba futuru ida ne'ebé verde no saudavel liu.

Sra. Adeline Carrier, Adjunta Reprezentante Rezidente PNUD hato’o importánsia husi Transformasaun Verde iha INFPM no Timor-Leste, tanba ida-ne’e marka marku passu boot ida iha viajen ne’ebé nasaun ne’e hala’o ba futuru ida ne’ebé sustentável liu ba ema hotu, iha tempu krusiál ida-ne’e iha-ne’ebé nasaun hasoru hela kestaun sira kona-ba mudansa klimátika ne'ebé maka'as, tantu iha nivel lokál no nasionál. Nia subliña, “Ita iha ona pontu mudansa ida ne’ebé ita presiza utiliza fonte enerjia renovável sira, hamenus emisaun sira, no adota prátika sustentável sira, no Timor-Leste bele kontribui ba mitigasaun impaktu sira husi mudansa klimátika no harii futuru ida ne’ebé reziliente liu ba nia povu no komunidade sira”, no “projetu ne’e hanesan deklarasaun ida kona-ba kbiit parseria nian ba Governu Timor-Leste, Governu Japaun no PNUD”.

Eventu lansamentu ne’e hetan partisipasaun husi parte interesada prinsipál sira inklui S.E. Sr. KIMURA Tetsuya, Embaixadora Japaun, Sra. Adeline Carrier, Adjunta Reprezentante Rezidente PNUD Timor-Leste, S.E. Sr. Samuel Marçal, Ministru Obras Públikas, no S.E. José dos Reis Magno, Vise-Ministru ba Fortalesimentu Institusionál Saúde nian, hetan benvindu husi Dr. Brígido Simão de Deus, Diretór Ezekutivu INFPM nian, hatudu esforsu kolaborativu hodi promove asaun klimátika no sustentabilidade.

S.E. Sr. Samuel Marçal, Ministru Obras Públikas mós hato’o sira-nia apoiu, agradese ba PNUD no Governu Japaun ba nia kompromisu no kontribuisaun hodi hadi’a povu nia moris iha área remota sira iha Timor-Leste.

Ho totál finansiamentu millaun 37,5 USD hosi Governu Japaun, projetu ne’e alvu ba Estadu Ki’ik Illa Dezenvolvimentu (SIDS) 4, Papua Nova Guiné, Samoa, Vanuatu, no Timor-Leste, ho objetivu atu promove asaun klimátika liuhosi kbiit enerjia renovável, hamenus kontribuisaun ba mudansa klimátika, no ajuda komunidade sira harii reziliénsia, no adapta ba risku klimátiku sira, ho inkluzivu no sustentável. Ba Timor-Leste, projetu ne’e iha finansiamentu hamutuk millaun 5,78 USD, ho output prinsipál 3 ne’ebé implementa iha munisípiu Manatuto, Manufahi, no Ainaro: apoia asesu ba enerjia solár ba uma-kain rurál 1000 ne’ebé la asesu ba rede elétrika nasionál, nune’e mós fugaun rai sira ne'ebé sei hamenus uza ai-sunu no perigu dezastre sira; solarizasaun INFPM no postu saúde 2 ba melloramentu servisu saúde; no apoia renovasaun no solarizasaun ba sala-de-aula IT 15 iha eskola selesionadu sira hodi promove ensinu no aprendizajen dijitál. Prosesu Instalasaun ba INFPM sei remata iha fulan Marsu 2025.