Timor-Leste Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA)

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Timor-Leste Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA)

February 11, 2022

The heavy rains across Timor-Leste from 29 March to 4 April 2021, brought by Tropical Cyclone Seroja, resulted in flash floods and landslides across all 13 municipalities in the country, with the capital Dili and surrounding low-lying areas the worst affected.  Under the leadership of the Government of Timor-Leste, national and international humanitarian actors worked together to respond to the disaster and provide support to meet the humanitarian and early recovery needs of the 30,946 flood-affected households.

Total damage and loss due to the Easter flood are estimated to be approx. US$307.7 million. Of this total amount, 90% is for the damage and 10% for the losses. The maximum damage and loss have been in the infrastructure sectors (58%), followed by social sectors (27%), productive sectors (9%) and cross-cutting sectors (5%). The transport (infrastructure) and housing (social) have been the most affected sectors.

Recovery needs across social, productive, infrastructure and crosscutting sectors are assessed based on damage and loss as well as the key principles of ‘build back better’ and enhanced disaster resilience. Total recovery needs are estimated to be approximately US$ 530 million. The most recovery needs are for infrastructure (49%) and social (29%) sectors. Transport (infrastructure) and housing (social) need the most financial resources.

Recovery is an opportunity to reset and bring the processes back on track to achieve global and national development goals. The Government of Timor-Leste has the political will to move in this direction and the recovery strategy provides the pathway to do so. The common and collective vision for Timor-Leste’s recovery is to ‘Build back better an inclusive, equitable and green recovery for all Timorese people with a special focus on improving the wellbeing of the most vulnerable and marginalized’.

The Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) of April 2021 flood was undertaken at the request of the Vice Prime Minister, H.E. Jose Maria dos Reis. A joint effort between Government and International Agencies, the PDNA was prepared under the leadership of the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Roy Trivedy, and UNDP Resident Representative, Munkhtuya Altangerel, and in collaboration with the World Bank Country Director, Bernard Harborne.

Please find PDNA full report and Executive Summary here.(link is external)

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