A Story about the Powerful Impact of a Multisectoral Approach to GBV

Illustrative image of a rag doll on the street
The names used in this story are not real to protect the victim’s identity and confidentiality
Marta, age 8, and Matilde, age 10, are two sisters who endured unimaginable trauma in their community. On June 1, 2022, Marta confided in her mother, Ana, revealing that she had been a victim of sexual violence by José, their 24 years old neighbour, a kiosk-vendor married with six children. Overhearing Marta’s testimony, her sister Matilde disclosed that she too had suffered similar abuse from José. Shocked after hearing her daughters’ testimonies, Ana told the girls’ father, Rui.
Following the prosecutor’s authorization, ALFeLa accompanied Marta and Matilde throughout the investigation, and the court allowed them to provide a pre-trial statement (a memory declaration for future reference). During the trial, the court confirmed the children’s statements were consistent with what they had initially shared with their mother, the prosecutor, and ALFeLa.
In the end, the court believed Marta and Matilde’s testimonies and the results of the medical examination, which strongly reinforced the girls’ statements and supported the court’s decision. Ultimately, the court sentenced Jose to 14 years in prison and ordered him to pay civil damages to Marta and Matilde.
Ana and Rui, their parents, expressed to ALFeLa that “Throughout this, we have not harboured anger towards one another. But the court’s decision is just for us and our children, including for him (Jose), as it allows him the opportunity to change his behaviour.”
In this case, the presiding judge personally visited ALFeLa’s office, seeking to better understand referral network services, enhance collaborative work, and ensure that the maximum support is provided for the victims. The presiding judge and ALFeLa worked together on an advocacy letter to the President of the Republic, requesting moral support to increase victims' sense of solidarity so they do not feel they are fighting alone.
This gesture increased the victims and their families deep appreciation for ALFeLa, the presiding judge, and PRADET’s response to the situation.
This outcome reflects the dedication and collaborative efforts of all those involved in supporting survivors of gender-based violence. ALFeLa’s committed legal assistance, PRADET’s crucial medical support, and the presiding judge’s active engagement exemplify the powerful impact of a coordinated, multisectoral approach. We are proud of our civil society organization partners, who have courageously carried out this critical responsibility, ensuring that no one is left behind in their access to justice.
The Together for Equality project, funded by KOICA and implemented by UNDP, plays an essential role in strengthening this network, equipping service providers with the resources needed to respond effectively to cases like Marta and Matilde’s. Their story is a testament to how partnerships and community solidarity can create meaningful change, helping survivors access justice and rebuild their lives. This is just one example of how our collective efforts in gender-based violence prevention and response through legal assistance to sexual violence survivors continue to make a profound difference in the lives of individuals and communities across Timor-Leste.

ALFeLA and VPU Police discuss about the list of GBV survivors to conduct advocacy to MSSI for supporting basic needs and also meeting with client