The Transformative Journey of A Mother

How the Together for Equality Project Empowers Women to Transform Lives and Promote Positive Change

July 19, 2024
a group of people looking at each other

The comprehensive training for the Suku Protection Group

Matteo BARDUAGNI/UNDP Timor-Leste

In the heart of Suku, Letemumo Posto Quilicai, Munisipio Baucau, a remarkable transformation is taking place, thanks to the Mane Ho Vizaun Foun (MHVF) under the Together for Equality project. FX, a dedicated agricultural worker and mother, has experienced a profound change in her life and the lives of her family members through her involvement in the project's outreach activities.

Before joining the Together for Equality project's training on child protection, gender-based violence (GBV) prevention, and referral case mechanisms, FX struggled with managing her emotions. In the past, she often committed acts of emotional violence, such as yelling and saying hurtful things to her children and other family members when they did not listen to her. She did not know how to control her anger effectively.

The turning point came when FX joined the Suku Protection Group and participated in the comprehensive training provided by the project. The training sessions covered crucial topics such as anger management, positive parenting, and effective communication. FX learned the importance of regulating her emotions and healthily managing her anger.

After being involved with the Suku Protection Group and participating in the training, FX began to regulate and manage her anger. She started to speak softly to her children and communicate without violence. This training increased her knowledge and helped her change her behavior within her family. She is now able to educate her children with positive parenting techniques.

The impact of the Together for Equality project on FX's life is profound. Not only has she improved her relationship with her children, but she has also become a positive role model within her community. Her transformation is a testament to the power of education and community support in changing perceptions and behaviors.

Looking to the future, FX is committed to continuing her involvement with the project and supporting its activities to prevent and respond to GBV in her community. She is ready and dedicated to participating in and supporting MHVF activities in preventing and responding to GBV in their community.

FX's story is just one example of how the Together for Equality project is making a significant difference in the lives of individuals and communities in Baucau. Through education, support, and community engagement, the project is fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and non-violence, paving the way for a brighter future for everyone involved.

*A Story by Matteo Barduagni - UNDP Timor-Leste, Together for Equality Project funded by KOICA Timor-Leste