Deadline for application for the business continuity support program in the provinces most affected by the earthquakes is 8 December 2024

November 7, 2024

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the funding of the Government of France and in cooperation with the Confederation of Turkish Tradespeople and Craftspeople (TESK), is launching a new support program to ensure business continuity in the provinces most affected by the February 2023 earthquakes. The program, which covers the earthquake-hit provinces of Adıyaman, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş and Malatya, will provide financial support in two specific categories to improve livelihoods. 

The first category is to support small businesses in these provinces owned by women and individuals with disabilities, women artisans and artisans with disabilities through grants, while the second category is to create common use facilities for small-scale producers. 

Businesses owned by women and individuals with disabilities, craftswomen and craftspeople with disabilities operating in Adıyaman, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş and Malatya and employing up to 10 people can apply for the first category. Unions of chambers of tradespeople and artisans and professional associations related to priority sectors operating in these provinces can apply for the second category. 

Value chains involving innovative products and high technology; machinery, equipment and metal manufacturing and repair; orthosis and prothesis manufacturing or repair; rehabilitation services; textiles and apparel; agriculture and food production; furniture manufacturing; footwear production; cosmetics and soap production; local crafts and artisanal products and traditional, cultural or artistic crafts that are at risk of extinction are among the priority sectors to be supported under the program. 

The amount of support in the first category to be given to small businesses and artisans will be between a minimum of 50,000 TL and a maximum of 200,000 TL, and the amount of support in the second category to be given to chambers to create a common use facility or common workspace will be between a minimum of 500,000 TL and a maximum of 7,000,000 TL. Applications for the program started on 31 October 2024, and the deadline for applications is 8 December 2024.

Documents related to the application can be found in the links below. All documents are only available in Turkish.

Application Guide for the Business Continuity Support Program in Earthquake-hit Provinces

Application Declaration Form 

Application Form for Businesses (Category 1) (link is external) 

Application Form for Unions/ Chambers (Category 2) (link is external) 

Business Plan Table for Unions/ Chambers (Category 2)

Business Continuity Support Program in Earthquake-hit Provinces Briefing Webinar(link is external)

Frequently Asked Questions About Application Process