UNDP’s Organic Agriculture Cluster Project Receives Cluster Excellence Bronze Label

April 9, 2018

GAP Organic Agriculture Cluster project received the “Bronze Label of Cluster Excellence” award by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA).

GAP Organic Agriculture Cluster (GAP OAC) was awarded the Bronze Label by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) as a result of the analyses by the experts who were accredited in the European Union and Turkey and examined the activities, structures and governance of more than 350 clusters across Europe. GAP OAC is one of the four clusters boasting such mark in Turkey.

The label is awarded after a thorough assessment of various aspects including the cluster’s structure, management and governance, strategy, financing, services offered, connections, intra-cluster interaction, achievements and recognition.

Organic agriculture vision and work undertaken

Drawn up earlier, the GAP OAC Roadmap set the primary goal that the Region would have vast, fertile irrigable lands by 2023, become Turkey’s leading supplier of organic textile and food raw materials, and a competitive organic production centre. The award is viewed as an indicator that such vision has been owned by the stakeholders.

The Project has to date fielded efforts to build scalable and replicable models, and develop production, promotion and marketing activities. The GAP Organic (GO) brand that was created in the Project was registered in Turkey.

What the Bronze Label of Cluster Excellence means?

A significant towards institutionalising the cluster and its brand was the founding of GAP Organic Cluster Association (GAP ORKUDER) in June 2016. GAP ORKUDER undertakes efforts to make the cluster an international brand. The Bronze Label of Cluster Excellence will support such efforts. The award will pave the way of progress to achieve global standards as well as open the gates for cooperation with many institutions in the European Union.

GAP Organic Agriculture Cluster Project has been being implemented since 2009 by the T.R. Ministry of Development, Southeast Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration (GAP RDA) with technical assistance from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).