Within the scope of the “Enhancing Adaptation Action in Turkey” Project, in order to develop adaptation plans to climate change at the local level, two one-day online consultative meetings were held on 22 and 23 July 2020, with the participation of 180 representatives from the relevant general directories, municipalities, provincial directorates, associations and universities to discuss the "Urban Typology and Local Adaptation Planning Guidelines".
During the morning sessions of the meetings scheduled for a full day on both days, following the presentation of the project to the stakeholders, presentations were made by the project experts on the issues of climate change and its effects, climate adaptation action and cities, urban typologies, local adaptation planning guidelines and alternative solutions as political, sectoral and spatial actions. During the afternoon sessions, group meetings were held in which urban typology and local adaptation planning guidelines were opened for discussions of the groups.
“Enhancing Adaptation Action in Turkey” Project, co-funded by the European Union and Republic of Turkey, was commenced on 9 October 2019. The overall objective of the project, carried out by UNDP with a duration of 48 months, is to build societal resilience by strengthening climate change adaptation, particularly at sector and urban level. The beneficiary of the project is Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation.