UNDP invites applications for renewable energy training

January 11, 2023

Bora Akbay / UNDP Türkiye

Places available for more than 600 trainees in seven Turkish provinces in 2023

Ankara, 12 January 2023 - Applications are now being accepted for a new phase of renewable energy training that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) are organizing for Syrians under temporary protection and host community members in Türkiye. Funded by the Republic of Korea, the training combines digital and face-to-face learning, making it accessible for adult participants. Already in its third year, the programme aims to train 1,600 persons in all: 969 have already complete the course, while 631 places are available in the current phase, which runs from February-October 2023.

Participants learn how to install, maintain and repair the equipment and systems used to produce solar and wind energy. The course is designed to meet labor force demand for mid-level workers in the renewable energy sector while helping both Syrian refugees and members of Turkish host communities gain new skills and find good jobs.

Syrian refugees and host community members who pass the course receive an internationally valid Europass certificate, which improves their chances for employment in the country’s growing renewable energy sector.

The programme was launched in March 2021 in the provinces of Bursa, Kocaeli, Konya, Hatay and Mersin with openings for 500 trainees, half Syrians and half host community members, with women accounting for at least 25 percent of participants. In 2022, Istanbul was added to the provinces, boosting total capacity to 1,000 trainees. In 2023, Izmir, Mardin, Şanlıurfa and Gaziantep joined the programme, bringing the total available places to 1,600.

Applications for the 631 places available in the new phase of the training are open until 25 January 2023. Syrians under temporary protection and Turkish host community members between the ages of 18-40 who want to pursue a career in the field of renewable energy are eligible. Female applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.

The new phase of training will be organized at the local public education centers in seven provinces: İzmir, Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, Bursa, Kocaeli and İstanbul. A total of 247 hours of instruction will be provided; 144 hours will be face-to-face training and the remaining 103 hours will be held online. Trainees who do well in the course are eligible for financial support, and the programme also seeks to provide participants with opportunities for internships, further training and job placement in private-sector companies in the renewable energy sector.

UNDP is implementing the programme in partnership with the MoNE’s General Directorate of Lifelong Learning.

Please find the details about the training and applications below.

Where will the training be held?Where should I apply?Website
İzmir Bayraklı Nuri Atik Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schoolİzmir Bayraklı Public Education Centerhttps://bayraklihem.meb.k12.tr(link is external)
Bursa Yıldırım Yeşilyayla Vocational and Technical Anatolian High SchoolBursa Yıldırım Public Education Centerhttps://yildirimhalkegitim.meb.k12.tr(link is external)
Kocaeli Gebze Ali Nuri Çolakoğlu Vocational and Technical Anatolian High SchoolKocaeli Gebze Public Education Centerhttps://gebzehem.meb.k12.tr(link is external)
İstanbul Bahçelievler Şehit Erol Olçok Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schoolİstanbul Bahçelievler Public Education Centerhttps://bahcelievlerhem.meb.k12.tr(link is external)
İstanbul Ataşehir Dr. Nureddin Erk Perihan Erk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schoolİstanbul Ataşehir Public Education Centerhttps://atasehirhem.meb.k12.tr(link is external)
Mardin Midyat Telkari Vocational and Technical Anatolian High SchoolMardin Midyat Public Education Centerhttps://midyathem.meb.k12.tr(link is external)
Şanlıurfa Karaköprü Vocational and Technical Anatolian High SchoolŞanlıurfa Karaköprü Public Education Centerhttps://urfayenisehirhem.meb.k12.tr(link is external)
Gaziantep Şehitkamil Ali Topcuoğlu Vocational and Technical Anatolian High SchoolGaziantep Merveşehir Public Education Centerhttps://mervesehirhem.meb.k12.tr(link is external)

For more information:

Nazlı Dülger Örtücü, UNDP Türkiye Project Associate, nazli.dulger@undp.org