UNDP and the British Embassy in Turkmenistan convene the sixth coordination meeting of the Climate Group of Development Partners
Ashgabat, 15 September 2023: Today, UNDP and the British Embassy in Turkmenistan in a hybrid format held regular Coordination meeting of the Climate Group of Development Partners aimed at continuing the established dialogue to accelerate the efforts of the Government of Turkmenistan to implement its international commitments under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
The event gathered representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the diplomatic community, including the UN Agencies, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Programme (CAREC), Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Ashgabat and young SDG Ambassadors of Turkmenistan.
The meeting also included a discussion of preparations towards the upcoming 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to be held in Dubai, UAE on 30 November - 12 December 2023.
In additional, participants were informed on progress of the preparation of the Fourth National Communication on Climate Change to UNFCCC and the development of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System within the efforts to implement the Nationally Determined Contribution of Turkmenistan (NDC) submitted by Turkmenistan in 2022.
“UNDP is delighted to cohost this important meeting, which serves as an affective platform to exchange views on current initiatives and discuss concrete further steps in supporting the country’s climate agenda,”– noted Ms. Narine Sahakyan, UNDP Resident Presentative in Turkmenistan opening the meeting. “Today’s meeting is also a great opportunity to discuss and scale up our joint support for Turkmenistan’s participation in COP28 in Dubai.”

“As we fast approach COP28 in UAE, which will involve the first ever Global Stocktake of progress against the Paris Agreement, it is vital that we coordinate our action with our partners in Turkmenistan,” - said Mr. Stephen Conlon, British Ambassador to Turkmenistan. “I was delighted to take part in my first Climate Development Partners Group meeting, and I look forward to participating in the Climate Youth events in different parts of Turkmenistan. I was pleased to renew our successful partnership with UNDP to work on the Government’s next phase of the development of National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System in Turkmenistan and look forward to seeing its results.”
“I am excited with the progress the Government of Turkmenistan is making with the support of the UNCT to establish a regional climate change technology center in Ashgabat. I am grateful that Partners Climate Group has played a positive role in supporting such initiative and provided a platform to share information with all partners,” – highlighted Mr. Dmitry Shlapachenko, UN Resident coordinator in Turkmenistan during the meeting.
The development partners also provided updates on their current activities and planned projects to support Turkmenistan in mitigating climate change, building resilience and enhancing measures to adapt to climate impacts.
The Coordination Meeting of the Climate Group of Development Partners is convened regularly and serves as a strong coordination mechanism for developing and providing valuable support to Turkmenistan’s efforts on climate action and building resilience.