UNDP project on SDGs implementation convenes a final review meeting

August 27, 2021

Ashgabat, 27 August 2021: The project “Partnering for SDG acceleration”(link is external) jointly implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan, convened an online concluding Project Board meeting. 

The event gathered representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan and the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan aiming to summarize the achievements and progress made during the period of project implementation.

The project “Partnering for SDG acceleration”, which started in 2018, aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan as a responsible authority for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Turkmenistan and assisted the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan as the lead agency in the provision of statistical reporting on the SDGs.

The meeting participants noted the successful implementation of the project, which contributed to accelerating the process of achieving the SDGs in Turkmenistan focusing on improving coordination mechanisms and supporting SDG reporting; capacity development for SDGs mainstreaming into the national development programs and plans; and setting up SDGs database and boosting national statistical capacity of the country.

The project served as a platform for integration of efforts of other UN Agencies and line ministries and authorities of Turkmenistan on specific goals and targets, corresponding to their competences and ensured the interconnection and integrity of all goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development.

Considering the strategic importance of the project objectives and successful project outcomes it had been decided to implement the Phase II of the project to continue providing support to the country with accelerating the efforts towards achieving the SDGs.

“UNDP stands ready to continue the strategic partnership with the Government of Turkmenistan on strengthening the national capacity to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development leaving No one behind” – noted Rovshen Nurmuhammedov, UNDP Assistant Resident Representative during the meeting.