UNDP reaches out to children in “Dayanch” summer camp to mark the World Environment Day
Ashgabat, 7 June 2022: The UNDP Office in Turkmenistan together with the Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan held an Educational session themed "Only One Earth" for children of the sanatorium complex "Dayanch" in the Avaza National Tourist Zone.
The educational session at the summer camp was organized on the occasion of the World Environment Day - 5 June by the UNDP/GEF/Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan project "Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green Urban Development in Ashgabat and Awaza”.

UNDP reaches out to children in “Dayanch” summer camp to mark the World Environment Day
The activity aimed at raising environmental awareness among children and helping them to start taking care of nature, water resources and flora and fauna, as well as to increase the interest of the younger generation in environmental issues and promote the behavioural change in relation to rational consumption and waste minimization and management.

UNDP reaches out to children in “Dayanch” summer camp to mark the World Environment Day
The educational session included presentations by UNDP Project specialists on the negative impact of plastic on our planet, in which special attention was paid to the importance of protecting the oceans and seas and promoting sustainable use of marine resources. Children also learned about the joint initiatives of UNDP and the Government of Turkmenistan in the area of environment and climate change. This climate initiative included the sports competitions "Earth, Water and Air" aimed at teaching children environmentally friendly practices and emphasizing the importance of their personal contribution.

UNDP reaches out to children in “Dayanch” summer camp to mark the World Environment Day
“The World Environment Day is an opportunity for driving the momentum, to realize our responsibility for taking care of our planet and to reaffirm our commitment to saving the environment and promoting 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” - said Rovshen Nurmuhammedov, UNDP Assistant Resident Representative in Turkmenistan. “By talking about the sustainable use of natural resources and engaging children in eco-friendly initiatives we raise their environmental awareness, inspire children to become more engaged and give them the opportunity to think about their own sustainable decisions.”

UNDP reaches out to children in “Dayanch” summer camp to mark the World Environment Day
The project "Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green Urban Development in Ashgabat and Avaza”, funded by the Global Environmental Fund (GEF) and UNDP, is aimed at promoting the development of sustainable cities and reducing the negative impacts of urban growth in the country, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, impact of increasing energy consumption and household waste, as part of the country’s efforts to achieve the socio-economic development goals. The project provides technical assistance, institutional and policy support, and promotes behavioral change in relation to efficient use of resources and waste management covering Ashgabat and Avaza, as well as creates a basis for replicating the results in other cities in Turkmenistan.