Ashgabat, 10 December 2018
In celebration of International Human Rights Day, United Nations Development Programme jointly with the Ombudsperson’s office of Turkmenistan, supported by the Regional Office for Central Asia, Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights co-hosted a round-table panel discussion, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
The main point of the discussion was the heritage of the UDHR and its impact on international human rights protection system. Moreover, during the roundtable the participants had an opportunity to get familiarized with the role of the Ombudsman’s Office in Turkmenistan in the promotion and protection of human rights.
“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is reflected in almost all aspects of international law. Its principles are enshrined in national legislation, as well as in important regional treaties, and more than ninety states have incorporated its formulations and principles directly into their constitutions” stated Elena Panova, UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan.
Participants of the round table included representatives of ministries and agencies of Turkmenistan, representatives of the civil society of Turkmenistan, international experts, diplomatic missions, accredited in Turkmenistan. This roundtable concluded national campaign dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the UDHR, with financial support of British Embassy in Ashgabat.
The adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on December 10, 1948, was a milestone in the history of human rights. It was drafted by representatives from different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world. Today, the UDHR is the most translated document in the world, available in over 500 languages.