UNDP Turkmenistan
Exit of National Tuberculosis Program of Turkmenistan from the Global Fund
The Government of Turkmenistan demonstrates significant political commitment to improving the population’s health. Strong stewardship and a governance framework for health care are in place, including those for TB prevention and care. Despite significant achievements in the fight against TB, Turkmenistan is a high-priority TB country in the WHO European region due to the high burden of drug-resistance.
The project funded by the Global Fund will continue support to quality, people-centred TB diagnosis, treatment and care, with focus on accelerated transition to shorter treatment regimens for DR-TB for improved treatment outcomes and reduced costs incurred by both patients and programs, as recommended by WHO.
The second objective of the project is to ensure transition to the full domestic funding of the National TB Programme by the end of 2027 and hence fully exit from the Global Fund support. The Government of Turkmenistan has increasingly taken over TB priority interventions that were previously supported by the Global Fund since 2010. As of 2024, only the most programmatically challenging and expensive interventions for extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) are still under the Global Fund funding.