Ukraine presents art project in Switzerland on impact of demining on lives of Ukrainians and on global food security

October 17, 2024
a group of people standing in front of a screen
Photo: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Lausanne, Switzerland, 17 October 2024 – The Soul of Soil project, an initiative aimed at raising awareness about the problem of landmine and unexploded ordnance contamination in Ukraine, was launched today at the Ukraine Mine Action Conference (UMAC2024), in Lausanne, Switzerland.

This joint initiative by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine, the Moim.Ridnym social enterprise, and Ukrainian chef and influencer Olga Martynovska, uses culinary arts to highlight the devastating impact of landmines not just on Ukraine's economy, but on global food security as well. 

The project showcases the positive impact of demining efforts using innovative technologies, such as drone-based surveying, satellite imagery analysis, and artificial intelligence in accelerating the demining process.

"To ensure the demining of Ukrainian land takes not centuries but less than a decade, besides traditional demining methods, we need innovative technologies," First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko stressed at the launch of the project. 

“Ukraine is already using drones and satellite images for surveying land, and artificial intelligence for analysis and prioritization,” Svyrydenko said. “But to scale up these approaches, we need partner support.”

The involvement in the project of Olga Martynovska, a renowned Ukrainian chef, underscores the human cost of landmines and the vital connection between demining and food security. 

“At what cost, what risks people take to grow grain so that I can then make (traditional Ukrainian) palianytsia bread!” Martynovska said. “It's impossible to put a price on this bread as its cost includes the price of life.” 

The Soul of Soil project also features an artistic component: A gift set of linen napkins, each embroidered with an ear of wheat – a symbol of hope and resilience – accompany a jar of vegetable appetizer prepared with ingredients from demined land, together creating the powerful symbol of “the world's most expensive dish.” The gift sets were presented to leaders of international delegations at UMAC2024.

Commenting on the launch of the project, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and UNDP Associate Administrator Haoliang Xu underlined the urgent need for global partnership in supporting Ukraine's recovery.

“Ukraine's agricultural sector is crucial to global food security, and the devastating impact of landmines threatens not only Ukraine but also the world's most vulnerable populations,” Xu said. 

“UNDP is proud to support the Soul of Soil project, which highlights the urgent need for international cooperation to accelerate demining efforts and ensure that Ukraine's fertile lands can once again feed millions.”


The war in Ukraine has left vast areas contaminated with landmines and unexploded ordnance, significantly impacting agricultural production and food security. UNDP supports the Ukrainian government across all areas of humanitarian mine action, coordinating the humanitarian response and international support to mine action, advising on the preparation and implementation of national strategies and standards, and facilitating safe returns, reconstruction, and recovery through the provision of technical assistance, expertise, and specialized equipment. The agency leverages innovative technologies such as satellite imagery, remote sensing, artificial intelligence and machine learning for rapid land release – significantly reducing the amount of suspected hazardous areas and aiding the restoration of agricultural land. 

Additionally, UNDP strives to enhance immediate and life-saving medical care, ongoing rehabilitation, mental health and psychosocial support, allowing those affected by landmines to lead fulfilling and dignified lives.

Media enquires: Yuliia Samus, UNDP Ukraine Head of Communications; e-mail: