The course is designed to modernise vocational training or retrain vocational educators to increase graduates' self-employment opportunities and capabilities.
Illustration: UNDP Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine, 22 December 2021 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine has presented a new online course, "Basics of Entrepreneurship", for vocational education institutions. The course was created under the UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme with the financial support of the European Union.
The development and launch of the video course was preceded by the creation of a curriculum and a "Basics of Entrepreneurship" handbook under the UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme, which was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. These initiatives will lead to the development of entrepreneurial competencies through having participants assess their entrepreneurial abilities and the business environment in their area, plan and start their own business, and go on to operate a successful business.
Chief Business Development Specialist of the UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme Olha Logvin noted that training initiatives supporting the development of micro, small and medium enterprises aim to increase the capacity of vocational education and ultimatelty help stimulate innovative change in communities.
"Entrepreneurial thinking combined with new skills acquired through training programmes will support businesses, which are the driving force behind any community," Logvin added. "We will continue to support the comprehensive empowerment of entrepreneurs at the regional and local levels to promote positive and sustainable social change in communities in eastern Ukraine."
The main tasks of the online course are to:
• provide basic knowledge about business: foundational concepts, laws and norms, trends, regulatory framework;
• provide preparatory advice for starting and running your own business;
• indicate steps to forming entrepreneurship as an essential competence;
• show ways to promote the development functional, rational economic skills as an entrepreneur, taxpayer, member of the local community, etc.
The author of the course, methodologist of the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment Halyna Karpiuk, noted that this online course is an essential part of the "Basics of Entrepreneurship" training course for vocational education institutions.
"The course will be helpful for high school graduates and anyone who plans to start their own business,” Karpiuk said. “We are pleased to provide opportunities for vocational education students to acquire basic knowledge and competencies in the field of entrepreneurship. This will help them realise their professional potential.”
The online course consists of 20 video tutorials packed with text infographics, diagrams, video and photo illustrations, excerpts from Ukrainian law, and excerpts from interviews with practising entrepreneurs, employees of administrative service centres and regional employment centres, which were filmed especially for the course.
In addition, video tutorials contain additional materials: a calendar, lesson plans, self-tests, a glossary of relevant terms, links to additional sources of information and other literature useful for the students’ mastery of the online course’s material.
You can register for the course here.
The online course was developed under the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme with the financial support of the European Union.
The United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme (UN RPP) is being implemented by four United Nations agencies: the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).
Twelve international partners support the Programme: The European Union (EU), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, and the governments of Canada, Denmark, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland.
Media enquiries
Vlada Soloviova, Communications Associate, UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme,, +380 95 529 4240.