Social cohesion through youth participation
The project aims to create the grounds and methodological framework to equip youth policy implementation infrastructure with the necessary knowledge and materials to lead a dialogue on national unity and social cohesion with young women and men in Ukraine.
It will be implemented through the development of educational and training materials and preparatory activities, in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sport and the All-Ukrainian Youth Centre (AUYC), which serves as a knowledge hub for subnational youth centres. The developed and piloted methodologies, materials and programmes will be co-owned by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, as the policy-making institution, and the AUYC, which will facilitate the securing of the necessary funding and government support for the continuation of project activities in the future, thus ensuring the sustainability of the project’s results beyond the project timeline.
To promote social cohesion and a national unity dialogue in Ukraine through establishing non-violent mechanisms of conflict resolution, youth inclusion in decision-making, and civic participation and engagement.
The project will be focused on four main activities:
Activity 1. Conducting an in-depth study "Social Cohesion of Young People in Ukraine" in order to analyse the social cohesion challenges and needs of young women and men;
Activity 2. Developing educational materials aimed at promoting social cohesion among young people, based on the study’s results and recommendations;
Activity 3. Engaging young women and men, youth centres and youth organizations in co-designing the programme through implementing pilot training programmes;
Activity 4. Establishing non-violent mechanisms of conflict resolution to support national unity across all Ukraine.
Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine
All-Ukrainian Youth Centre