Fujimin: Elevating Plant Growth While Preserving the Environment

August 26, 2024
a man standing next to a tree
Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

In the pursuit of sustainable agriculture and horticulture, innovations like Fujimin are leading the way. This fulvic acid solution offers a potent boost to plant growth while aligning with environmental stewardship. Here's a closer look at how Fujimin is transforming soil health and plant vitality.

a group of oranges in a garden

Tomato which grown with Fujimin technology

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

What is Fujimin?

Fujimin is a cutting-edge fulvic acid solution derived from a mass production technology that utilizes wood materials and organic acids. Unlike conventional sources of fulvic acid, which are typically extracted from humus layer deep underground and are found in trace amounts. This advanced solution is crafted using natural materials through a non-microbial process, ensuring that its production leaves no adverse environmental impact.


Images of Fujimin product

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

Key Features and Advantages

Fujimin harnesses the power of fulvic acid, a natural component known for its numerous benefits to plant health and soil quality. Here’s how Fujimin can enhance plant and crop growth:

1. Activation of Photosynthesis

Fulvic acid's unique molecular structure, with a range of molecular weights and multiple carboxyl and phenolic alcohol groups, plays a crucial role in activating photosynthesis. It effectively catch essential minerals like iron and magnesium, which are vital for the photosynthetic process. 

2. Efficient Absorption of Fertilizers

Often, fertilizers may not dissolve fully in the soil, rendering them less effective. Fujimin addresses this issue by promoting the dissolution and uptake of fertilizer components, ensuring that nutrients are readily available for plant absorption. This efficient nutrient delivery system enhances plant growth and optimizes fertilizer use.

3. Buffering of Soil pH

Soil pH can significantly influence plant health. Fujimin helps stabilize soil pH by buffering both acidic and alkaline soils. In alkaline conditions, it shifts the pH towards neutral, while in acidic soils, it works in conjunction with alkaline materials to buffer pH fluctuations, creating a more favorable growing environment for plants.


Illustration of Fujimin’s effect

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

4. Control of Salinity Damage

High salinity can severely inhibit plant growth. Fujimin combats this by facilitating the removal of salts accumulated in the soil. Fujimin helps to removes salt from the soil by rainfall and irrigation, to crystallize the removed salt and to prevent it from re-entering the soil. It helps create a soil environment with lower salt content, thus mitigating salinity-related damage.

5. Improvement of Plant Robustness

The enhanced nutrient absorption and improved availability of essential ions such as iron and magnesium strengthen plants, making them more resilient against adverse environmental conditions. This robustness contributes to overall plant health and productivity.

Why Choose Fujimin?

Fujimin is not just another agricultural input, it represents a harmonious blend of advanced technology and natural resources. Its fulvic acid, coupled with its environmentally friendly production process, makes it a valuable tool for sustainable agriculture. By improving soil health, enhancing nutrient uptake, and boosting plant resilience, Fujimin offers a comprehensive solution for growers aiming to optimize plant growth while caring for the planet.

Fujimin in Aral Sea Region

a group of people standing on a dry grass field

Wheat grown with Fujimin in Kegeyli district

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan
a sign on the side of a dirt field

Rice growing with Fujimin in Muynak

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

In close cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture, our project which financed by Japanese government introduced Fujimin technology for Chimbay, Kegeyli, Khojeyli and Nukus districts. Since April 2024, we conduct testing for numbers of vegetables, plants and fruit trees. Several methods such as seed soaking, root application, suspension, field flushing are being applied in farming lands of pilot districts with periodic conduction of necessary laboratory analysis and close monitoring of plant growing process. The experiment will continue until the end of vegetation period November 2024. 

Today in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (15 districts), with total irrigated land area of 460.4 thousand hectares, 420.9 thousand hectares (91.4 %) have various levels of salinity, of which 142.6 thousand hectares (31 %) are with low salinity, 139.5 thousand hectares (30.3 %) are with moderate salinity, 69.4 thousand hectares (15.1 %) are with high salinity and 69.5 thousand hectares (15.1 %) are with very high  salinity levels [1].  High salinity is essentially soil degradation which has a negative impact on crop development 

At this stage,  interim findings of our experiment can be observed in below presented tables and chart. The table shows the amount of salts detected in soil with comparison of the traditional field flushing to the field flushing using Fujimin 4l/ha in Chimbay, Khojeyli and Nukus districts:

Image: UNDP Uzbekistan
chart, bar chart
Image: UNDP Uzbekistan

It can be seen from the results that 50-60% more toxic salts were washed out when using Fujimin at 4 l/ha compared to traditional method of field flushing.

Through the link, you can find more about Fujimin application to crop varieties in districts.

About the project:  The UNDP Project “The Project for Supporting Self-reliance through Climate-resilient Agriculture in the Aral Sea Region” is financed by the government of Japan and being implemented 2023-2025 and contribute to addressing multiple human insecurities of people, living in the most vulnerable districts of Karakalpakstan, which are fully aligned with the policies and strategies of the Government of Uzbekistan on addressing the Aral Sea crises.