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UNDP’s Aid for Trade Project in Uzbekistan in collaboration with the sister project in Tajikistan organized the visit of a group of women-entrepreneurs and representatives of business associations and public organizations of Tajikistan to Namangan region of Uzbekistan.
The purpose of the visit was to have a round of meetings with women business support organizations and women-led companies and farming enterprises to learn and echange experience on development of women entrepreneurship support services, creation of jobs, as well as institutional development.
During the visit, the group met with the management of the Women's Committee, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Hunarmand Association, the Association of Business Women of the Namangan Region and the territorial divisions of Chust and Uychi districts.
The guests also visited the textile enterprise ‘Chust Uktamjon Service’, private enterprises ‘Asmus Textile’ and ‘Shahnoz master class’, diversified farms ‘Davronbek Gaybullo’ and ‘Uychi obod zamini’, private school ‘Istiklol Zamon Bolalari’. In a friendly and businesslike atmosphere, representatives of both sides shared ideas how cooperation between public organizations and women in the field of promoting business entrepreneurship and trade is carried out, in what form support is provided, in which areas of the business they are involved and how they are trained, what was difficult and how they found solutions to what they dream and what are the plans, the important role of the family in becoming a woman entrepreneur, and many other issues.
“From ancient times we have been very close and related in spirit and traditions with the same tastes and culture. I am very glad that much attention is paid to the development of women's entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan. Having 10 years of experience working with women entrepreneurs, I can say with confidence that Uzbekistan created favorable conditions for business. Woman is a craftsman, entrepreneur, leader. We saw a worthy example and we will certainly try to use the experience of Uzbek women entrepreneurs in our activities at home. To this end, we are here to exchange experiences and strengthen cooperation ties between our countries” - said Subhiya, a member of the Tajik delegation, representative of the ‘Bonuvoni Navovar’ Public Organization of Tajikistan.